Why We Always Regret Going Out On New Year's Eve But We Never Learn

Why New Year's Eve Is Not The Most Stupendous Night Of The Year

Is there any night that's more of a letdown than New Year's Eve?

Let's put aside the expectation to have the Best Night Ever.

All the Stella in the world won't override the crowds, the expense, the cold, and that's before you've even factored in the sheer exhaustion of getting your mates to agree on doing the same thing.

So in that festive spirit, take a look at our list for why we'd rather be at home cuddling a hot water bottle...

Why New Year's Eve Sucks
Your options dwindle to partying with the dregs of your social circle(01 of15)
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If you go clubbing, everyone looks like this by the end of the night(02 of15)
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And EVERYONE is trying to get served at the same time(03 of15)
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Possibly the only thing worse is wandering the streets(04 of15)
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Because it's the night everyone has decided to go out(05 of15)
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Which means you'll bump into this guy(06 of15)
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Or this lady(07 of15)
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You end up spending three times the amount you normally would(08 of15)
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It’s also FREEZING(09 of15)
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But the WORST is finding someone to kiss at midnight(10 of15)
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You want this guy (11 of15)
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Or this girl...(12 of15)
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But it usually ends up being this guy (13 of15)
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And when it’s all over you start the year feeling like this (14 of15)
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But despite all of this, we'll probably still be going out anyway. Yay. (15 of15)
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