One In Four Sexually Active Teens 'Not Using Contraception'

One In Four Sexually Active Teens 'Not Using Contraception'

One in four sexually active young people in the UK do not use any contraception when sleeping with a new partner, according to a survey set to horrify parents.

When preparing for a date that could lead to sex, personal hygiene and grooming was rated as the most important consideration, ahead of contraception.

The worldwide poll was carried out by Marie Stopes International for World Contraception Day on 26 September. The UK results revealed 16 said their partner preferred not to use it and 19 are sexually active by the same age.

'This highlights that schools are the best way to deliver quality information to young people before they become sexually active.'

Where sex and relationships education is taught in conjunction with contraceptive information, more young people practise safe sex.'

The survey revealed 32 believe the 'withdrawal method' is an effective contraception.

And worldwide, 31% of young people have a close friend or relative who has had an unplanned pregnancy.

The organisation said there was also a 'head in the sand' approach to sexually transmitted infections.

These figures make worrying reading, so how can we as parents spell out the importance of contraception to our children?

When you talk about sex and loving relationships, do you also stress safe sex?

Is sex education the job of parents or schools or both?