Outrage At Madonna's Instagram Pic Of Son Rocco, 13, Posing With A Bottle Of Vodka

Outrage At Madonna's Instagram Pic Of Son Rocco, 13, Posing With A Bottle Of Vodka
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Is taking a photograph of your child – whatever their age – posing with a glass or bottle of booze in their hand the crime of the century? It seems to have become such.

Last week, Celebrity Big Brother wannabe Luisa Zissman was monstered on Twitter when she cheerfully posted a photo of her three-year-old daughter Dixie holding a glass of champagne along with the caption: "Cheers! Merry Xmas #posingwithmummyschampagne".

When word of the controversy spread back to Madonna, she posted a follow-up caption on her Instagram page, saying: "No one was drinking we were just having fun! Calm down and get a sense of humor! Don't start the year off with judgement!"

Here at Parentdish, we don't make light of underage drinking and we're fully au fait with the dangers it can do to young livers, as we reported yesterday.

But, please, get some perspective – if we are to believe Madonna (and we do) it was a JOKE.

After all, would anyone really be stupid enough to post a photo of their child about to break the law?