Photographs Aid Grieving Process For Parents Of Stillborn Babies

Photographs Aid Grieving Process For Parents Of Stillborn Babies

Rex Features

A bereaved dad is campaigning for hospitals to offer a photography service so parents could be photographed with their stillborn babies.

Dr Dan Shaffer, a dentist from Harpenden, says photos of his stillborn daughter Lenni helped him through the grieving process. He is calling for Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to start a photography service at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

Dr Shaffer, who is a representative for the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity (SANDS) said:

"With the loss of someone who has lived a long life you will have memories, stories and photos of them, but with an early death you don't have any of that.

"We have no memories of Lenni as a live baby, but we are fortunate to have a few photographs of her which were taken after she died."

He added the photos would be taken by skilled amateur photographers who have lost babies themselves, and professionals who wanted to become involved in bereavement photography.

He said that such a service had been set up last year by the Leicester Partnership NHS Trust and had been successful.

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust said they were 'happy to look into the idea' and that as a trust they tried to offer as much support as possible to parents who had suffered a loss.

What do you think? Should hospitals have a dedicated photography service like this?

After suffering a stillbirth, were you offered the chance to have photos taken?