Sexist Four-Boobed Woman Sony Playstation Advert Sparks Controversy (PICTURE)

Titillating Sexist Sony Advert Sparks Controversy

You can almost hear the sexist cogs turn in the advertising brainstorm for Sony's Playstation Vita as they came up with the four-breasted woman and the titillating slogan: "Two touch screens. Twice the sensation."

"OK...So...The Playstation Vita is double sided. And we're advertising mainly to guys right?

"Err...Guys like tits...

"So how about we get a picture of a woman with tits on both sides. So she's like the console...

"Yeah, guys will like that."

*slow claps*

So they aren't silly enough to roll this advert out, apparently. Hurrah for that.

This was confirmed when a spokesperson for Sony told The Sun: "This advert is not creative that we are (or would) consider running in the UK.”