Resolution-Friendly Winter Sun

Let's be honest now - 2016 wasn't our year. And as the realisation dawned on me this morning that I'd left my Olympus Pen on the train (sob), I wondered if I should write off this one, too. But that seems a bit hasty. Seeing as how it's only February..

Let's be honest now - 2016 wasn't our year. And as the realisation dawned on me this morning that I'd left my Olympus Pen on the train (sob), I wondered if I should write off this one, too. But that seems a bit hasty. Seeing as how it's only February..

So between voice notes (my new thing. Yes I realise I'm late to the party) of despair to my friend Mimi and an abundance of broken-hearted emojis, I decided to throw some money at the problem and book a trip. Because I'm human. And it sounds fun - winter sun, yay. Trouble is, I'm really getting into our fitness at the moment, so a super indulgent getaway is a no-go.

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Clearly, I have a solution to this problem (and a point to this post. Promise). You see, in the army, we were taught principles of warfare - things like 'adapt and overcome' and 'economy of effort'. They're phrases I enjoy quoting during PT sessions when I'm accused of laziness. So I'm adapting the standard winter sun routine and overcoming the temptation to binge on frozen margaritas and pretzels (just me?). Here's my tips for getting some winter sun without ruining all your New Years Resolutions:

Pick somewhere that is activity-focused - when I was in Bali, I did three nights in Nusa Dua at Club Med. We crammed sea kayaking, surfing and a trapeze lesson into our time. There was a gym with loads of cool classes too, but I spend so much of my home life in a gym that I didn't actually make it. Plus the yoga tended to be at 7am. Not that I'm particularly into yoga, but it's a good enough excuse.

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Take your trainers - so many people I've spoken to about getting active on holiday site reasons like no gym at their hotel. But actually, going for a run is one of the best ways to explore a new place - and it's totally free. Of course, some people 'accidentally' forget their trainers, too. Don't be that person.

Try something new - Holidays are for shaking up the hum-drum routine of home. So shun the gym and stay active doing something you couldn't do at home. When I went to Club Med in The Maldives, I did Paragliding and snorkelling off a boat in the middle of the ocean. It didn't feel like a workout, but got the blood pumping enough to justify the insane beach BBQ afterwards.

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Go with a friend - In my last post, I told you about the bootcamp I did with my friend Ashley. If I'm brutally honest, I don't know if I'd have stuck-out the whole week without the solidarity of having a friend doing it with me. Not sure she'd totally agree with me after enduring my snoring though... LOL and sorry, Ash.

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Photo: Blogger's own

Invest in new kit - There's an element of all the gear no idea to this, but I seriously believe that it is easier to train when you look and feel the part. I've recently discovered the absolute joy of the Lululemon store in Old Spitalfields Market.

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Photo: Blogger's own

As I write this, a friend has just come off a flight from New Zealand. I asked how it was. His answer: "amazing for being outdoorsy and active". Guess I'll be going there next..