'For The Players Since 1995': This Nostalgic PS4 Advert Might Just Make You Cry (VIDEO)

This Nostalgic PS4 Advert Might Just Make You Cry

If next month's launch of the PlayStation 4 gives you more than a whiff of deja vu, this advert might be for you.

Sony has just released the UK-specific clip of a gamer going through every important stage of his life alongside his ever-expanding collection of PlayStation consoles.

Titled 'For The Players Since 1995', it starts with an 11-year-old kid playing his original PlayStation, and then follows his life as he grows older, spottier and yet seemingly unable to move out of his parents house through the PS2, PS3 and now PS4 eras. Sony notes on its blog that all of the details in each scene are accurate - including the style of Dominos box, the dates on the ticket stub and the piles of clothes strewn around the room.

It's a pretty clever clip, and with a different soundtrack probably would have made us cry. The collection of signed school-shirts (and the copy of Vib Ribbon on the floor) particularly made us blub. As it stands its a cool precursor to next month's launch.

CVG notes that the clip was made to celebrate fans' contributions to the Twitter topic "#PlayStationMemories", which was started in February ahead of the PS4 reveal.

PlayStation 4 will be released on November 15 in the US -- and November 29 in Europe.