Pushchairs For Triplets

Pushchairs For Triplets

I recently wrote a post on the top 10 pushchairs available to mums of twins and individual children, which received some great comments and recommendations. However, as one commenter rightly pointed out, I didn't cover any pushchairs for triplets. I intend to rectify that now!

I wasn't exactly inundated on my search for pushchairs that cater for more than two kids. This is somewhat understandable as the logistics of creating such a pushchair are more challenging that that of a simple click and collapse. That's not to say there aren't options though. Take the OBaby Triple pushchair, £199, on the right from Woolworths. It features lockable swivel wheels, PVC raincover, and an ability to be packed down to a compact size.

Only downside? It has a bit of a cheap look that reminds me of the pram Vicky Pollard uses in Little Britain...

So what are the other options?

At the other end of the market is this Mountain Buggy Triple Urban Jungle Buggy. A buggy built for off road as well as on road strolling, it will cost you a whopping £789, and that's in the sale! The reviews of the buggy are excellent though, and it's definitely easier on the eye than the Woolworths option. They claim it only takes two simple steps to fold down too, which is a bonus.

The Voyager G3 Triple to Twin Convertible is suitable for newborn babies with its 150 degree recline feature, and apparently can be converted from a triple buggy to a twin buggy in ten seconds. It's also reinforced so it's 50% stronger than single buggy options, and it's only £399.

So it is practical, but it's another example of the lack of thought that appears to go into the actual look of the product. Unfortunately the range of products available for triplets is seriously lacking. With the number of multiple births increasing due to fertility treatments, pram and pushchair companies really need to step up to the mark.

Do you have any recommendations for pushchairs for triplets? Let us know!


ParentDish Review: Micralite Toro

Stokke Xplory: the latest "must-have" buggy