Britain's Biggest Family Just Got Bigger: Sue Radford Gives Birth To Her 18th Child

Sue Radford Gives Birth To Baby Number 18

Sue Radford, who has become well known for being the mother of Britain's biggest family, has given birth to her 18th child.

The 39-year-old and her husband Noel Radford, who rose to fame on the TV show 16 Kids And Counting, released photos of their newborn daughter, Hallie Alphia Beau, on their family website.

Mrs Radford was induced early, after going into hospital for a check up and Hallie was born weighing 7lb 15oz.

Mrs Radford wrote on her blog: "She’s so doted on by all her brothers and sisters and is settling in really well we are so in love with her."

After the announcement, followers of the family's website commented on her blog post with messages of congratulations, complementing the couple on their "gorgeous" baby and their choice of a "beautiful name for a beautiful girl".

Mrs Radford was induced early because her doctor noticed a reduction in the movements of her baby.

The mother wrote on her blog that she was "relieved" after she gave birth because she had felt very anxious recently.

Mrs Radford has had a very tough couple of years. She suffered a miscarriage in September 2013. She became pregnant again in 2014, but the baby was born stillborn in July.

In September 2014, she wrote a moving blog post on her family website: "I am hoping that this pain does get easier because at the moment it is so painful. I have days when I’m ok then the grief hits me all over again."

The couple announced in December they were going to have another baby and since them Mrs Radford has been documenting her pregnancy journey on her blog.

She shared her HD4D scans of Hallie back in April and wrote about her excitement of bringing another baby into the world.

Whoooo 34 weeks today with our precious rainbow baby girl :-) only around 4 weeks to go till we get to finally meet this little one