Reasons Why My Son Is Crying

Reasons Why My Son Is Crying

I hate it when my son cries. I want to pick him up and hug away everything that is upsetting him. I feel the pain that he is in as if it were my own.

But there are some days that he cries for the most absurd reasons. Reasons so bizarre that I find myself looking on in amazement with an 'are you for real' look on my face. My stress levels start to rise and I have no idea what to think or how to react.

Inspired by Greg Pembroke's Reasons My Son Is Crying blog (you MUST take a look at this as it's hilarious), here's some of the most recent reasons why CK has seen fit to cry, scream and throw himself on the floor.

  • he wasn't allowed to lie on the bed and kick me in the back while I fed BB.
  • he had cereal for breakfast and not the requested spaghetti with lollipops.
  • I called him angel.
  • because BB should live with his grandparents and not with us.
  • because Lego's not a game that can be played at 3:30am.
  • because he dreamt that the little girl from next door came in his room and hit him while he was sleeping.
  • he couldn't suck up his fried rice with a straw.
  • because I called Coke Coke when it should be called Lemonly.
  • he wasn't allowed to spoon sugar out of the bag in to his mouth.
  • he couldn't wear four pairs of underpants over his nappy.
  • And those are in just one week.
  • Please tell me I'm not alone. What are the strangest things your little one has cried about?

    Rachel is a mother to a thrill-seeking two year old and a laid back baby. She lives in Switzerland but is ticking off the days until she returns home to North Wales in November. Swiss chocolate features very heavily in her diet.

    Blogs at: Three Years and Home

    Twitter: @farfromhomemama