The Future Of Dating Revealed: Experts Predict Virtual Dates And DNA Matching Could Soon Be A Thing

This Is What Dating Will Be Like In 2040

What will dating be like in 25 years time? Pretty bleak, if this is anything to go by.

A new report predicts that by 2040, there'll be no need to even leave the house because dating will be done in virtual reality.

This is good news in a way, because if it all goes pear-shaped you can simply unplug from your date.

But it also seems pretty alienating. And what happens if you want a good old smooch afterwards?

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Imperial College London students were commissioned by relationship website to look at the future of dating.

They analysed how people’s lifestyle habits have evolved over the past 100 years, drawing on interviews with experts across the fields of anthropology, sociology, technology and biomedicine.

Researchers predict that the rate at which data can be shared will be so fast in 25 years time that all five human senses could be digitally simulated to create a full-sensory virtual reality.

They say it would make dating "a far more efficient and less time consuming process".

The virtual date would be like a real one - for example a person could hold someone’s hand and even smell their fragrance - but it would all be carried out from the comfort of their own home.

Experts also predict that advances in wearable technology would allow people to meet in virtual reality from any location around the world.

In addition to virtual reality dating, Imperial College London business students predict that by 2040 research will have enabled us to understand how DNA plays a role in attraction, which will aid the "matching" process between two partners.

They also believe people will be able to have their behaviours tracked using everyday devices, which will then help them to match others with similar behaviours.

"Physically, devices could track peoples’ actions and find other singles that have a similar lifestyle pattern, tracking data such as the places people go and the activities they do," reads the Imperial College London site.

"A product such as Smart Contact Lenses could track the type of people you look at most frequently when your body produces the signs of attraction."

Commenting on the findings of the report, eHarmony UK's country manager Romain Bertrand, said: "By 2040 we estimate that 70% of couples will get together online, with technology revolutionising the way we find love and build our relationships.

"This report was compiled by some of the future’s brightest minds, and reflects what we’re already seeing in the online dating industry – that people want to be matched with quality people in the simplest and most efficient way possible."

Sex, Love And Dating Do's And Dont's
DO: Choose The Right Location(01 of05)
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While no one's denying the allure of aisles full of screws and hard wood, getting nailed at Home Depot can land you in jail. Just ask this couple, who learned the hard way that Home Depot's former motto of "You Can Do It. We Can Help" is a big, fat lie.

Oh yeah, don't have sex while driving a car, either.
(credit:Gettystock/Ethan Fedida)
DO: Pick A Human Partner(02 of05)
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This means no pool floats, no couches and, for God's sake, no animals.

If you, like this Texas gentleman, are under the impression that having sex with a horse will result in "a horse-man baby," you are severely mistaken.
DON'T: Include Your Family(03 of05)
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Family should always come first, but not in the bedroom.

When this South Carolina man attempted a three-way with his girlfriend and her female cousin, the night ended with an assault charge. Don't try this at home, or anywhere.
DO: Call Your Mom(04 of05)
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Not while shaking the sheets, obviously, but let her know what's happening in your life every now and then. Otherwise, you might wind up like this British man, whose mother reported him missing when he was really just having sex at a hotel. (credit:Gettystock)
Do NOT Let A Dolphin Assist With Your Child's Birth(05 of05)
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If you wind up with a case of the babies, go to a doctor, not a dolphin.

This North Carolina couple claims they traveled to Hawaii to partake in a "dolphin-assisted birth," which is also known as "hands down, one of the worst natural birthing ideas anyone has ever had," according to science writer Christie Wilcox.

Seriously, dolphins have been known to try to rape people, and disrupting wild dolphin populations with your screaming, blood-covered bundle of joy is dolphin-itely a terrible idea.

[H/T Metro]