Save Money On Maternity Clothes -- Buy Secondhand

Save Money On Maternity Clothes -- Buy Secondhand

I've discovered the joys of browsing maternity clothes on eBay today. I love buying secondhand stuff on eBay, primarily because it's a greener thing to do than buy new all the time. It's also cheaper and in these credit-crunched, no company maternity pay on the horizon, times that's exactly what I need. You might recognise the feeling!

Right now there are 11,779 items of maternity clothing on, including a whopping 1,361 pairs of jeans, 1,161 dresses and 4,498 tops and T-shirts. I mean, how many T-shirts does one girl need?

Of these items 5,059 are used pieces, or as I prefer to think of them, pre-loved and ready for a new home. It's perhaps no surprise that there only nine size 6 items. Maternity clothes in a size 6? Really?

Apparently, the way to buy maternity clothes is to go for the same size as you are normally, as opposed to choosing the next size up or two. Yes, there lies a beginner's error I might have easily made.Look out for bundles of clothes as this could be a great way to save even more money. They seem to crop up quite regularly as mums clear out their maternity wardrobes. Oddly, there seems to be a disproportionate number of cropped trousers, all of which I'll be avoiding. My ankles aren't skinny at the best of times, but bloaty pregnancy ankles on show? No thanks.

My favourite pick of the day is this ASOS maternity dress. Love the oversized bow and the flattering neckline. Current bid price is a whopping 99pence, and bidding ends 18th May at 2.53pm. It's a bit early for me to be buying maternity clothes (not had the three-month scan yet), so it's there for the taking!


Check out our sister site, WalletPop UK, to find out more about the newborn shopping rules!