School Bans Hugging, Handshakes And High-Fives

School Bans Hugging, Handshakes And High-Fives


A school has slapped a 'no contact' ban on tactile pupils and BANNED high-fives, hugs, hand-holding and even SHAKING HANDS.

The Quest Academy in Croydon, South London, says the rule has been implemented to encourage good behaviour.

The school's headteacher Andy Crofts told reporters: 'It creates a disciplined environment which is essential for learning and respect.'

The school's official spokesperson went one step further, claiming the rule had been put in place because 'physical contact' can be 'associated with poor behaviour or bullying and can lead to fighting.'

Outraged students have spoken out about the ban - the flouting of which has seen some of them thrown into detention - whilst furious parents have branded it 'extreme' and 'ludicrous' and claimed it will hinder their children's social skills.

A livid year 10 pupil, Dayna, told the Sun 'I was just hugging my friend in the morning to say hello and I had to sit on my own and miss out on break because of it. They're trying to turn us into robots.'

Does seem a bit extreme, doesn't it?

What do you reckon?