School Buys Every Pupil An IPod In Cost-Cutting Measure

School Buys Every Pupil An IPod In Cost-Cutting Measure

A secondary school has spent £100,000 on iPods for its 600 pupils, claiming it is cheaper than building a new IT suite.

Taunton Academy in Somerset has also spent more cash on 60 new iPads for its classrooms. These retail at between £500 and £700 each.

The school bought the iPods and iPads so that pupils can access the internet and have help with their homework. Headteacher Mark Trusson says that this was better value for money than upgrading the school with new PCS, which are out of date.

Speaking in the Daily Mail, he said: 'It would cost about £50,000 for a new IT suite with 30 computers, but we can give out 600 of these for about twice that amount. It's better value for money.

'Experience elsewhere suggests students respond to this idea – they don't let them out of their sight.

'Staff need to use their classroom management skills with them as they would any other educational resource.'

So far, 190 year 11 students have received their iPods, which retail at around £150 each, while children in years nine and 10 will receive theirs in the next few weeks.

The pupils were asked to pay a £10 insurance policy, and the devices will be security stamped with the school name to prevent them being re-sold on the internet.

The school is funded by the Diocese of Bath and Wells and Somerset County Council, which is cutting budgets by more than 25 per cent following the Government's Spending Review.

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