Seventies And Eighties Were The Best Time To Bring Up Baby

Seventies And Eighties Were The Best Time To Bring Up Baby

A new report has revealed today's mums think the 70s and 80s were the best decades to bring up a baby.

The mums polled in the Changing Face of Motherhood report, published today to coincide with International Women's Day, found that young mums think the 1970s and 80s were less pressured times in which to be a mum.

The study also discovered over a third of mums (34) having just three to four hours free time each week (which works out to just a measly 26 minutes a day!)

64 said the pressure to be a perfect mum meant they felt they had less time for themselves.

And the age old guilt of work/life balance left 88 of mums rely on their mums as their most valued source of advice and support.

  • 20 of today's mums use technology like Skype, texting and online social networks to communicate with other mums, whilst just a meager 17 of mums think online communities have helped empower them as a collective group.

  • 49% of mums believe they spend more active time with their children than their mothers did with them when they were at the same life-stage.

    What do you think?

    Which decade would you have most liked to have raised children in?

    Or do we simply look back on the 70s and 80s with rose-tinted glasses?

    Do you agree with the other findings - who is your most valued source of support?

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