Simple Things In Life Make Us Happy

Simple Things In Life Make Us Happy

Forget fame and fortune, happiness is found in the simple things in life - like spending time with friends and family and getting a good night's sleep. At least that's the verdict of researchers working on behalf of dairy company Yeo Valley.

MorgueFile, Grafixar

The survey quizzed 4,000 adults about their lifestyles and asked them to rate how happy they were on a scale of one to five. Those who scored their happiness the highest said they had just over six hours of uninterrupted sleep a night and spent almost four hours each day with their partners.

According to the survey, other things that make us content with our lot include a seven-hour working day and a 20-minute commute to work so we can arrive back home at the end of the day before six o'clock (5.42pm to be precise). Meanwhile work stress came top of the list of happiness deterrents (no surprise there then).

The survey discovered happy people watch three episodes of their favourite soap, have five home-cooked meals and one takeaway every week. They also have three meals out a month and take two holidays abroad and three weekend breaks a year. No wonder they're happy.

Contented people are healthy people too, by the sounds of it, as the survey suggests they have just four alcoholic drinks and spend over two and a half hours exercising each week.

Shopping is also high on the happiness list, with those who rated their lives the happiest owning up to four shopping sprees a month (yes, that would make us happy too).

What's your happiness rating? Do the little things in life make you smile more than the big things?