Student Tore Windpipe After Binge Drinking

Student Tore Windpipe After Binge Drinking

A student has warned young people of the dangers of binge drinking after she tore her windpipe from vomiting for 24 hours.

Megan Thomason, 21, downed three treble vodka and cokes in one bar, before moving on to other venues on a night out.

The next day, she began to vomit so severely she ended up in hospital with surgical emphysema - a serious swelling in the face and neck that can cause suffocation.

Speaking to the Mirror, the business student said she wanted to make others aware of the downside of bargain booze.

"It was the worst experience of my life," she said. "Students think 'drinks are £1 so we can drink more' – and that's not good."

"I'd had three drinks but because they were triples it was actually the equivalent of nine drinks and you don't think of that at the time."

The University of Hull student admits that 'being drunk is classed as normal' and that she had given in to 'peer pressure'.

She said that after her night out she woke the next morning feeling as though she was going to be sick, but didn't actually start to throw up until she was in her step-dad's car and in the midst of her half-an-hour journey home.

Once she started vomiting, she continued for 24 hours, resulting in a doctor giving her anti-sickness drugs.

When she failed to improve, she was taken to hospital where medics noticed her face was swelling up.

"They realised my face had blown up, my cheeks looked a bit like a hamster with all the food in them," Megan told the paper." Basically it felt like bubble wrap inside my cheeks and my mouth and chest."

The following day, Megan's neck had swollen and doctors found she had torn her windpipe from all the retching and vomiting.

She spent six days in hospital, and was unable to eat or drink until her throat had healed.

"It is only now I realise just how serious it was, if I had eaten I could have got blood poisoning from the food or I could have choked if it had gone into my lungs," Megan said. "I was just in shock when I realised how serious it was. It was just one night out for a few drinks and it left me in hospital for a week, I could have died."

Having been hopsitalised twice before following nights out, Megan says that although she knows she is responsible for how much she chooses to drink, she still thinks that cheap booze encourages youngsters to knock back more.

"Students think drinks are a pound so therefore we can afford to drink more, that's what we automatically think - if its cheaper we can drink more drinks and that's not good, people can have 10 to 20 drinks a night," she said.

"I would say to people you don't realise what one night out could do. Obviously mine was pretty extreme but if you are going out once twice a week and throwing up you could actually be tearing something slowly as you go along each week."

She said her parents had warned her to remember how awful her latest hospitalisation was for her – and them.

"They said its not worth me drinking again," she said.