The 50 Most Challenging Things Parents Have To Deal With

The 50 Most Challenging Things Parents Have To Deal With


A poll has found the 50 most challenging things we parents have to deal with thanks to our lovely children. All the predictable ones make the list; sleepless nights, tantrums, and first day at school woes, but also some curve-balls such as keeping a lid on bad language and dealing with other competitive mums.

The study, commissioned by DryNites, also found that parents struggle with keeping their children off computers and games consoles, tackling bullying, and answering kids' never ending streams of questions.

Emma Kenny, child psychologist and spokesperson for DryNites commented on the findings:

"There are some challenges you expect when you embark on parenthood, like the sleepless nights and tantrums. 'But I don't think anyone can be prepared for how many issues and stressful situations you will face over the years – from the baby and toddler stage and throughout a child's school life."

"Once the tantrums subside and you are getting more sleep, you then have to face a whole new set of trials, such as your child's first day at school, which many mums are having to get ready for over the next couple of weeks.

"And once they are settled into school life, mums have to contend with the worries of bullies, moving up to new classes and schools, as well as a whole range of tests and exams."

And, according to Emma, the 'challenges' do not disappear once children hit their teens: "Even teenagers and young adults seem to come with their own set of challenges for poor mums."

The top 10 challenges parents face are:

Having patience

Keeping on top of the household chores

Getting children to eat the right foods

Juggling childcare

Giving your child what they want without spoiling them

Do you agree with the list? What are your top parenting 'challenges'?