The Fashion Book Rules vs Personal Style

The Fashion Book Rules vs Personal Style

Do fashion books actually help us to hone our 'personal style'? Or do they merely serve to

make us cardboard cutouts of each other?

I have quite an extensive collection of fashion books claiming to overhaul my personal style and

make me look instantly sophisticated, chic and timeless if I promise to stick to their rules. To be honest, I only really buy them now because once they are nestled safely on my bookshelf; they make me look like someone who might know what they're talking about.

The trouble is that all of these books tend to say the same thing. Beige trench coat? Check.

Classic 'It' bag? Check. Skinny jeans in dark denim? Check. Designer sunglasses that shield not

only my eyes, but also my entire face from the sun? Check.

Imagine if we all donned the suggested uniform of these 'fashion gurus'? Wouldn't life be bland? Should I really throw out all my favourite items only to replace them with stacks of dull black turtlenecks? What about my beloved children's t-shirt emblazoned with a cartoon hippo that I bought from the zoo in Mexico when I lived there? Not exactly my most stylish piece of clothing, but the sentimental value is enormous to me.

I know all the rules. I know exactly what I should be wearing according to these books and I'm

sure if any of the authors rifled through my drawers they would be horrified with the amount of

slouchy hoodies that I've collected from around the world in a rainbow of colours. I'd love to walk around looking like I've just stepped out of a Parisian movie but at 6am when I'm scrabbling around trying to brush my teeth and drink my tea at the same time, I have to admit that I'll just pull on the nearest clean item and leave.

Maybe I'm just being lazy and I should plan my outfits the night before. I'll be sure to swallow my words when I appear on the inevitable makeover show that I'm so clearly destined for later in life.

But I have to wonder, is it really worth giving up part of my personality to please the ideals of the fashion elite?