The MAD Blog Awards 2013

The MAD Blog Awards 2013

Want to know the best way to get a baked bean out of your toddler's nose? Or whether your birth preparations should involve waxing?

Back in the Dark Ages (by which we mean before the Internet was invented) you'd struggle to find the answers to these burning questions.

So thank goodness for modern computing, for it has brought us the Great British Parent Blogger – thousands of parents sharing their thoughts, advice and experiences on their own online journals.

Today marks the launch of the fourth annual MAD (Mum and Dad) Blog Awards, where we invite you to nominate the parent blogs you love for an award. The awards are sponsored by, and and over the coming weeks we'll be sharing the best of the nominated blogs with you here on Parentdish.

So if you know a blogger who has made you laugh over the last year, or perhaps inspired you with their experiences, why not nominate them for a MAD Blog Award? Nominations open from midnight on 28 Jan 2013.

There are some great prizes on offer, from holidays to cameras and clothes – and all the finalists will be invited to attend a swanky awards ceremony at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington in London later in the year, where we'll be revealing the winners.

If you're inspired by the MAD Blog Awards, why not have a go at creating your own parenting blog? We have some great tips for getting started in our blogs section.