The Office Body Workout

The Office Body Workout

Over 10 million of us in the UK are cramped behind an office desk for at least eight hours a day. But if you think pen pushing is the only exercise you'll ever get at work, think again.

From the faithful stairs to desk aerobics, there's a whole host of exercise opportunities hiding in your office!,feedConfig,localizationConfig,entry&id=910872&pid=910871&uts=1282917658

How to get moving at work

In most offices, there is a workout waiting to happen thanks to our trusty friend, the flight of stairs. Climbing stairs for a mere 15 minutes in your lunch or tea break will consume around 130 calories, get the heart pumping and the pulse thumping!

How to get moving at work

Don't think that the office is just for work, it can also become your personal mini gym - book the small meeting room for 15 minutes and indulge in some jumping jacks, sit ups, squats and running on the spot.

How to get moving at work

They may not be a great conversationalists, but getting up and out of your chair for ten minutes to visit the office facilities will stimulate your body's circulation and stop you feeling sluggish and tired.

How to get moving at work

While you're on the phone, get those abs a-crunching by sitting up straight and tensing the abdominals for 30 seconds and releasing. Repeat throughout the day. Flab-u-less!

How to get moving at work

Sit upright on the edge of your chair. Put your arms in the air like you don't care (a helpful anthem for this particular exercise), lace your fingers with the palms facing outward and bend to the left; hold for 30 seconds; then repeat to the right.

How to get moving at work

Tone static office legs with a quadricep workout by sitting against the back of your chair with your thighs parallel to the floor. Hold onto the seat and, with the back straight and toes pointed, raise the leg into the air and hold without locking

the knee.

How to get moving at work

Our poor wrists go through the mill, and carpal tunnel syndrome is an occupational hazard for even the average desk jockey. So get into the habit of rolling them 10 times clockwise and 10 times anti clockwise every hour – on the hour!

How to get moving at work

Revitalize your eyes by moving your gaze and focusing on something more interesting every 30 minutes. This will refresh your eyes and prevent them from becoming tired and sore, and help guard against headaches.

How to get moving at work

Hunching over your desk can lead to problems with neck and back strain and, over time, a permanently slouchy posture. Be sure to sit with your back straight, feet flat and shoulders back – spit spot!

How to get moving at work

Your lunch break is just that – a break. Resist the urge to eat your sandwich at your desk in front of the news and get outside and walk, because just thirty minutes at a brisk pace burns around 140 calories and revitalises the body.

How to get moving at work