Through The Looking Glass: Four Trends For 2017

or my trend predictions I have looked, listened and joined the dots between what my colleagues at Eulogy are talking about, influencers are sharing on their channels and most importantly asked my friends outside the comms industry what they are getting excited about too. With that information, I've created my 2017 trends predictions. Let's catch up in a year and see if I was right.

If there is one thing I have learnt working in the communications industry for the last 10 years it's that to predict a trend you have to use your communication skills. For my trend predictions I have looked, listened and joined the dots between what my colleagues at Eulogy are talking about, influencers are sharing on their channels and most importantly asked my friends outside the comms industry what they are getting excited about too. With that information, I've created my 2017 trends predictions. Let's catch up in a year and see if I was right.

Burst the rainbow

Whilst there was a lot of misery in 2016, when it came to food, we looked at it through kaleidoscope tinted glasses. Rainbow bagels, toasties and even coffee were everywhere as we looked to comfort foods to add some much needed fun to our fuel. In 2017, expect the rainbow to burst. But in a good way, because when you burst a rainbow, what do you get? You get sprinkles, lots of them. Even for breakfast. Whilst eating sprinkles (largely of the chocolate kind) is standard in the Netherlands, US bakeries such as Union Fare in New York are taking it to a whole new level with brightly coloured sprinkle filled croissants. They'd be the ideal conversation starter at any breakfast meeting. And if the look of them alone doesn't get the conversation started, the sugar hit certainly will. Not sure you're ready for sprinkles for breakfast? Start gently by introducing unicorn macaroons as your afternoon treat. That's right - unicorn macaroons are already filling an Instagram feed near you. Expect them everywhere this year as unicorns and sprinkles top everything.

Craft everything

If artificial colour isn't your thing, they'll be a raft of 'carefully crafted', 'authentic recipe', 'lovingly curated' products heading right up your street instead. If 2016 taught us anything, it's that we love a craft product, beer being the prime example as breweries launched on what seemed to be a daily basis. Booze lovers should expect plenty more of where that came from, with Aldi's craft wine as the perfect example of the term 'craft' being adopted by anyone wanting to showcase quality and care when it comes to their product. So what's next in craft for 2017? As the nation drinks a little less but still goes out as often we'll be looking for inventive, delicious snacks that match our crafted cocktails to boost our pub visit. Expect your local to start fermenting, pickling and preserving all sorts to delight your taste buds. Pickled cashews anyone?

Time for a 'retox'

Now everyone has completed their mindful colouring in books and done their bit in fuelling a worldwide coloured pencil shortage, those looking for some creative fulfilment are on a new mission: a mission to fill their time with things that make them happy. Time fillers or 'hobbies' as we used to call them, such as knitting, baking, yoga in 2017 will be known as ways to 'retox'. You can see the hashtag already. '#retox, your soul'. Expect lots of 'Top 10 ways to retox', 'best books for a retox' and 'how to retox your spirit' articles coming your way. You'll know retox has caught on when you ask your colleague what they got up to over the weekend and they reply with: "Y'know, I had a really good retox" [translation: they mostly sat about in their PJs, read a book and managed 45 mins of yoga']. Totes amazeballs.

Baroque decadence

From back to basics to something altogether more fancy. Now, this may not be a universally acknowledged trend yet, but that's only because not enough people are as excited as I am about the release of this year's Beauty and the Beast blockbuster. The Belle doll may have caught the headlines for all the wrong reasons and baroque style candelabras and carriage clocks may not suddenly top wedding gift lists, but decadent tea sets could well get a moment in the spotlight. With afternoon teas at some of the country's best hotels continuing to flourish and high end shops such as T2 brewing a tea revival, it may be time to invest in a classic set and invite your friends to be your guest.