Tiananmen 25 Years On: Ex-Student Leader Zhou Fengsuo Sneaks Into China For Vigil

Ex-Student Leader Zhou Fengsuo Sneaks Into China For Tiananmen Vigil

The former student leader of demonstrators who occupied Tiananmen Square in 1989 managed to slip through China's tight crackdown on celebrating the 25th anniversary of the massacre to attend a vigil in China.

Zhou Fengsuo was in the top five of the Chinese Communist Party's most wanted student demonstrators after helping to organise the peaceful protests against the government.

Fengsuo managed to commemorate the anniversary by visiting Tiananmen Square at the exact time when tanks and troops opened fire at unarmed civilians a quarter of a century ago, the Financial Times reports.

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Chinese student leaders hold a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Embassy in Washington 3 June to mark the seventh anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre. The students who led the protests in Tiananmen later escaped from China (L-R) Liu Gang, Zhou Fengsuo, Chen Tong and Wuer Kaixi

Only when he presented his passport and tried to donate money to a detention centre where political activists and human rights lawyers are being held was he recognised. He was detained by police before being escorted to the airport and put on a flight back to the US.

Fengsuo was a student of physics at Tsinghua University in the late 80s when he became leader of the Beijing Students Autonomous Federation. Following his capture and subsequent imprisonment in 1989 after being turned in by his sister, Fengsuo was exiled to the US, where he became a citizen.

Tiananmen Square
毛沢東初代国家主席の肖像画にはペンキがかけられた(01 of26)
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学生たちは「民主主義の女神」像を作った(02 of26)
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この像は彼らの闘いを象徴していた(03 of26)
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1989年6月1日、天安門広場では子供たちが笑顔で踊っていた(04 of26)
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学生たちは官制の新聞を燃やした(05 of26)
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抗議活動に協力的な軍人もいた(06 of26)
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天安門広場近くでVサインをする人々(07 of26)
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学生たちは公然と政府を拒絶した(08 of26)
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それはまるでウッドストックだった(09 of26)
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学生指導者の王丹が、街中でデモ行進を行うよう呼びかけている(10 of26)
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天安門事件の数日前には、ハンガーストライキを行う人たちもいた(11 of26)
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彼らは、政権に対する強い不信感を表明していた(12 of26)
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報道機関がデモに加わったことで、勝利のムードが出てきた(13 of26)
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抗議活動の中には、冗談やリラックスした雰囲気もあった(14 of26)
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通りでは、人々はVサインを行い、勝利を祝福していた(15 of26)
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たくさんの人々が通りを行進し、デモを支援した(16 of26)
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教育実習生たちも、手を挙げながらデモを支援した(17 of26)
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天安門広場を埋めつくす人々(18 of26)
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改革派支援を示すたくさんの旗(19 of26)
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しかし、平穏さは不確実なものだった(20 of26)
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軍は、怒る市民に向けて大量発砲を行った(21 of26)
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負傷者たちはリヤカーで搬送された(22 of26)
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無茶苦茶に倒された自転車の間に横たわる犠牲者たち(23 of26)
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戦車の進路にバリケードを張る抗議者たち(24 of26)
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自分ひとりで行動を起こそうとする人もいた(25 of26)
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伝説となったこの写真には、事件当日の精神が捉えられている(26 of26)
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"So far this year, dozens were arrested all over China," Fengsuo said, regarding the current state of China's human rights and freedom of speech. "They are human right activists, professors, lawyers, journalists, Christian and Buddhist monks, representing the broad social spectrum of the Tiananmen protesters."

Fengsuo has called for the US to step up fundings for technologies to break online censorship in China, according the The China Post. "The life of the communist regime depends on controlling the Internet and blocking access of Chinese citizens to the outside world," Fengsuo added.