Time To Detox Your Mind

Time To Detox Your Mind

Has winter and the anti-climax of Christmas and New Year got you down? Are you feeling confused about life or you're just stuck on a problem which is taking up all your mental space, try our simple tips for a complete mental de-tox.

A sharper brain and a more positive outlook guaranteed!


Detox your brain

Are you sleeping well? Ensure you get seven or eight full hours sleep every night by switching off your computer, tv and mobile phone an hour before you go to bed. Staring at a screen can over-stimulate your brain, making it harder to relax when you hit the sack. Try a warm bath or a good book to unwind instead.

Detox your brain

If your brain is feeling sluggish, think about challenging it. If you never do the crossword, learn Spanish or try knitting, your mind doesn't have the opportunity to develop. Regular challenges help your brain to form new cells and keep it in tip-top shape.

Detox your brain

When you're fixated on a particular dilemma, brooding on it can magnify the issues and leave you feeling swamped. Get outside and go for a walk or run. Fresh air and pleasant scenery will take your mind off what's bothering you, and warm sunshine on your skin – which produces vitamin D - can help lift your mood.

Detox your brain

After a winter where many of staring at DVD box sets, we can forget that our facial expressions affect how we feel. Smiling helps to lower your blood pressure and boosts your immune system to boot. It's hard to feel down about life with a great big grin on your face. Try it and see!

Detox your brain

If you're upset by someone or something, sit down and write yourself a letter. Pour out everything you feel about the issue, seal it and put it away somewhere safe. In a month's time, take the time to read the letter and see what's changed. You may find you feel less angry about the problems involved now some time has passed.

Detox your brain

If you're addicted to coffee, tea and cola drinks, try a week without any caffeine. When you're feeding your caffeine addiction, it's easy to get trapped in an up-and-down cycle of highs and lows. Substitute water and herbal tea for coffee and cola to see if you feel calmer and can think more clearly.

Detox your brain

Do you procrastinate? Write out a list of five things you've been putting off and tell five friends about one of the tasks. Ask them to remind you regularly about what you need to do – having to own up publically when you haven't done something is a surefire way to make it happen quickly!

Detox your brain

Do you find yourself harping on about the negative side of life? Are you quick to see what won't work, rather than what will? Try replacing every negative statement you make with a positive one. You'll soon find that your general outlook on life improves as you see things in a rosier light.

Detox your brain