Twins Born A MONTH Apart

Twins Born A MONTH Apart


You know how everyone exaggerates their birth stories? How they were in labour for 'days'? Well, we have news of a mum who has given birth to identical twin boys a MONTH apart. Beat that, competitive birthers!

Shocked medics have released the story of wonder-mum Nadia Rizzi who delivered the first twin, Gregorio, on March 18 at just 24 weeks gestation. He weighed 1lb 7oz and was rushed to intensive care at the Mangiagalli clinic in Milan after suffering respiratory failure.

It was a whole month before his brother was delivered, when Nadia gave birth to little Leonardo on April 18. He weighed 3lbs 8oz and was healthy.

The surgeon who looked after Nadia and her babies, Manuela Wally Ossola, told reporters: 'With great care we cut the umbilical cord of the first boy, to ensure that the other child managed to continue to grow in his mother's womb. The intervention was successful, and Leonardo was born separately exactly one month later."

The brothers are expected to stay in hospital for another month to enable doctors to monitor their growth.

What an amazing story!

(Can you beat it? Go on, you know you're dying to!)