Video: Firemen Use Pliers And Saws To Cut Toddler Out Of Washing Machine!

Video: Firemen Use Pliers And Saws To Cut Toddler Out Of Washing Machine!

As all parents know, our homes aren't just something to live in as far as our children are concerned: they are adventure playgrounds to explore and get up to mischief in.

And that's exactly what happened to this toddler in China - who decided the washing machine would be a great place to play, only to get well and truly stuck - right up to her waist!

In fact, the three-year-old girl became so rooted that firefighters in Shandong province had to use saws and giant pliers to prise her out.

Workers distracted the little girl using packets of sweets as their colleagues sawed up the washer.

When she was eventually freed and handed back to her mum she said 'thank-you' to her rescuers.