Wannabe Dad Couldn't Have Kids Because Laptop Was 'Cooking' His Sperm

Wannabe Dad Couldn't Have Kids Because Laptop Was 'Cooking' His Sperm


Wannabe dads have been warned they risk 'cooking' their sperm by using their laptops – on their laps!

It comes after 30-year-old Scott Reed was told the reason why he couldn't become a dad was because the heat from his computer was damaging his babymakers.

Scott immediately switched to using the laptop on a table – and three months later Laura, also 30, became pregnant with daughter Taryn.

Now, 10 months after her birth, the couple, from Clanfield, Hampshire, can't quite believe the answer was so simple.

Laura, a pathologist, said: "I've never heard of this happening before. It was a real shock. Scott would use his laptop in the evenings for a couple of hours on and off while we were watching television.

"He used it for work and general things like Facebook. We had absolutely no idea the damage it was causing him."

The couple were considering IVF when their GP sent them for tests at Queen Alexandra hospital in Portsmouth.

Scott said: "Apparently the problem is common in chefs because they work in a hot environment.

"But I'd never have dreamt it could be caused by a laptop computer."

Biomedical expert Sue Kenworthy confirmed: "Men should place the laptop on a table rather than their lap."