Why do Some People Live Longer than Others?

We all want to live healthier, longer lives. Every year brings with it new developments that have the potential to help us live longer, healthier and happier lives - some of these are exciting, some less exciting...

We all want to live healthier, longer lives. Every year brings with it new developments that have the potential to help us live longer, healthier and happier lives - some of these are exciting, some less exciting... Not all claims turn out to be accurate or helpful, but there is advice that is backed up by solid research that suggest we really can benefit from a change. These are the most recent discoveries in healthcare to remember, and how we can use them to make our lives healthier.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what about the undertaker? Well, a large Australian study showed that women who eat an apple a day had a lower risk of dying - more than a third lower. Some experts argue that they're as good, if not better than statins in reducing cholesterol and risk of heart attacks and strokes. Where's the goodness in the apple? Take your pick: they've got magnesium, potassium, vitamin c and flavonoids, as well as soluble fibre, which reduces your risk of cancer, including colon and bowel cancer.

Life tip: include an apple in your five a day. Oh, and eat the skin.


Here in the UK we've now got one of the lowest recommended alcohol limits in the world - down to 14 units per week, and for the first time it's the same for both sexes. Dame Sally Davies and her team brought the limit down after new research showed that even light drinking increases the risk of breast and bowel cancer, and has smaller health benefits than were previously believed. But, as the life insurance industry has long known, non-drinkers don't live as long as moderate drinkers. What medical experts can't agree on is why. Is it because alcohol is good for you - the biggest benefit being to prevent atherosclerosis? The other school of thought denies any health benefits of alcohol: non-drinkers may have other traits or habits that shorten their lives, such as being former drinkers who had already come to harm from the bottle.

Life tip: don't feel guilty about a glass of wine - unless you're pregnant.


It's been accepted wisdom for decades that diets rich in polyunsaturated fat protect against heart disease. Until last month, that is, when previously unpublished data (hidden in an attic) from one of the original trials 45 years ago was reported. The Minnesota Coronary Experiment had followed 9423 people in residential care or mental health homes. Residents were randomly given either a 'traditional' diet rich in saturated fat, or a diet where saturated fat was replaced with vegetable oil rich in linoleic acid (an omega-6-polysaturated fat). The people given vegetable oil had lower cholesterol, but did not live longer. In fact, the people who continued to eat saturated fat had lower mortality. Four similar studies had similar findings: replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat may shorten, not prolong life. Last year, US dietary guidelines removed dietary cholesterol and total fat as risk factors worth worrying about.

Life tip: include saturated fat in your diet. How much, we don't know, but a little cheese and butter won't hurt.


People who drank three to five cups of coffee per day have about a 15 percent lower risk of premature mortality compared to people who didn't drink coffee. How? Coffee drinkers have a decreased risk of stroke and may be less at risk of type 2 diabetes, too. There's speculation about what ingredient may be of benefit - lignans, quinides and magnesium have been proposed - but strangely it doesn't seem to be the caffeine, since drinking decaffeinated coffee has similar benefits. There was also no benefit of coffee for smokers.

Life tip: have that espresso instead of that sugary drink. But not with a cigarette.


The benefits of regular exercise are not in dispute. It increases longevity, it reduces your risk of heart attacks by 50% and some malignancies, prevents dementia and is as effective an antidepressant as antidepressant medications. But if you're middle-aged and unfit, be wary of sudden intense exercise. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Life tip: get your 1,000 steps in every day. If you're middle-aged, get fit and get checked before starting intensive exercise.


It's no secret that obese people don't live as long. The most famous longevity studies followed up 5209 adults living in Framingham, Massachusetts between 1948 and 1990. At age 40, those with a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or over - the obese - lived 6 to 7 years less than their normal-weight counterparts. The merely overweight (BMI 25 to 29.9 kg/m2) lived about 3 years less than normal-weight non-smokers. Don't overdo it on the dieting though - life expectancy for the underweight (BMI less than 20) is lower than for BMI 20-25.

Life tip: don't be fat, you'll live longer.


The Spice of Life? A huge Chinese study followed up 3.5m people for over seven years and found the risk of death was consistently lower for those who ate spicy food at least once a week than those who didn't. The spicier the diet, the greater the reduction: up to 14% in those who had spicy food on 6 or 7 days of the week. The benefit was observed in both men and women and was true for a wide variety of causes of death, including cancer, ischemic heart diseases, and respiratory diseases. It is still early research, and other factors may be at play so it is too early to generalise. But the greatest demonstrated benefit was in non-drinkers - disappointing news for those who like a beer with their curry.

Life tip: don't be afraid to spice it up.


The medical profession has long advised against sunburn due to the risk of melanoma. If you have fair skin than burns but never tans, many dermatologists therefore will advise you to avoid any direct sun exposure, and beauticians warn of the aging effects of ultraviolet light. Many are taking this advice. But are we losing out if we shun the sun?

Last month [March 2016] a Swedish study of nearly 30,000 women over 20 years showed that women with active sun exposure had a life expectancy 0.6 to 2.1 years more than those who avoided sunlight. They had a lower risk of both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular disease. The gain in longevity is equivalent to the gap between the smokers and non-smokers. But sunlight may not be directly beneficial. Vitamin D is activated only when the skin is exposed to sunlight, and low vitamin D levels previously been linked with higher mortality. Perhaps people who seek out the sun are more likely to live longer for other reasons. They may be happier (which lengthens life), more physically active or in some other, yet-to-be defined way, just healthier.

Life tip: Go outdoors more. It will do you good for all sorts of reasons. Don't burn.

A final word

For all these tips, a health warning: longevity studies show an association between these factors, not a cause. (The study of substituting fats is an exception, since patients were randomly assigned to the different diets, and so other causes were cancelled out). It might be that people who have a 'healthy' diet and get out more live longer for altogether different reasons that we don't yet fully understand. Perhaps their other lifestyle choices, or even their temperament, may be their advantage. The best advice? Moderation in all things, apart from smoking.

Jamie's Super Food - 14 foods that could help you live longer
Eggs - Costa Rica(01 of14)
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“Eggs, I definitely think we should love more. It’s literally a nutritionist’s dream. In that shell is an amazing cocktail of goodness and nutrients and minerals and an amazing source of protein. It was once thought that eating eggs regularly was bad for us because of the cholesterol. But it’s now known that it isn’t the case for most of us.” (credit:Adam Gault via Getty Images)
Goat’s milk, eg Feta - Ikaria(02 of14)
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"Dairy products like goat’s milk and cheese are packed full of essential nutrients and calcium, which is a key to bone density and muscle health. Feta is one of my favourite cheeses, but also one of the lowest in fat." (credit:Adél Békefi via Getty Images)
Fish - Costa Rica(03 of14)
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"Most of us don’t get enough fish in our diet and white fish like Karfalaka the one Otto’s using, is an excellent low fat source of protein, which also helps to protect our cells from damage caused by stress and keep our immune systems in top condition." (credit:vicuschka via Getty Images)
Sweet Potato - Okinawa(04 of14)
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"For decades the affordable sweet potato, a purple and white variety, made up more than half of Okinawa’s daily calorie intake. Which is no bad thing as this happens to be a powerhouse veg. In my superfood day the sweet potato is definitely a hero ingredient. The orange variety we get at home are also low in fat and some experts say one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet." (credit:bhofack2 via Getty Images)
Wild greens and herbs - Ikaria(05 of14)
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"There are over 150 varieties of wild greens and herbs growing on Ikaria all packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which experts think could hold one of the keys to the locals’ longevity." (credit:Riou via Getty Images)
Tofu - Okinawa(06 of14)
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"Okinawans are said to eat more tofu than anywhere else in the world…in a diet with very little meat, tofu is an important source of protein, is naturally lower in saturated fat and helps to lower cholesterol." (credit:Tanya_F via Getty Images)
Nuts, eg. walnuts - Ikaria(07 of14)
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"Walnuts are a source of copper which helps our immune system work properly, and folic acid and magnesium which reduce tiredness. And, believe it or not, a recent study found that eating a handful of nuts a day can increase your life expectancy by 2 years. Plus if you have a handful of nuts a day it can reduce your risk of heart disease by 50%." (credit:Still Images via Getty Images)
Black beans - Costa Rica(08 of14)
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"Black beans are one of the highest-protein beans there are packed with fibre and great for muscle and strong bones. They’ve got loads of lovely minerals and they are really really good for you. The traditional Nicoyan diet still resembles that of their ancestors the Chorotega Indians. In fact beans have been grown here for over 7,000 years." (credit:Milacroft via Getty Images)
Fresh fruit - Costa Rica(09 of14)
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"A high consumption of vitamins could be one of the reasons for the Nicoyans’ great health. Multiple cancer research studies have drawn links between higher intakes of vitamin C from food and lower rates of cancers." (credit:Creatas Images via Getty Images)
Seaweed - Okinawa(10 of14)
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One of the reasons for their longevity could be a food that surrounds the British Isles, but we don’t eat enough of – seaweed. Okinawans eat more Kombu seaweed than anyone else in the world even more than mainland Japan. There are dozens of varieties of edible seaweed, which have been eaten by the Japanese for thousands of years and they all contain different powerful nutrients. Tadashi’s good health may come from the high levels of iron in seaweed that help boost the immune system. 2 whole bags of spinach contain the same amount of iron as one small handful of dried seaweed. This is full of so much good stuff, vitamin B12 is very very good for [the] immune system. There’s a complex carbohydrate that’s only in seaweed called Fucoidan and scientist are in the promising stages of research into whether it can play a role in fighting cancer." (credit:AndreySt via Getty Images)
Wild rice - Okinawa(11 of14)
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"More fibre, more nutritious, more flavour actually and things like Magnesium and phosphorus, which are great for our teeth." (credit:Lyudmila Suvorova via Getty Images)
Garlic(12 of14)
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"Garlic is a source of Vitamin B6 - great for the immune system." (credit:Robert Daly via Getty Images)
Prawns(13 of14)
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"The prawn is a fantastic source of protein, really, really high in vitamin B12. Now the reason that’s a really important one is it’s great for your nervous system and your immune system." (credit:Image by Jack Scott via Getty Images)
Chili(14 of14)
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"These fiery favourites are super high in Vitamin C and also contain anti-inflammatories." (credit:Hemera Technologies via Getty Images)