Will The Recession Have A Positive Impact On Our Relationships?

Will The Recession Have A Positive Impact On Our Relationships?

The recession has been dubbed the Mancession because more men than women have been financially affected by it. But, despite the hardship, it may just have a silver lining effect on our long-term relationships.

Arguing Over The Dusting

I find that one of the top five issues couples argue about is housework. Studies show that a woman usually does three times more of it than her partner, so it's easy to understand why something as simple as vacuuming can cause so much resentment. Women often complain of feeling overwhelmed and say that their husbands don't understand how tiring housework is. They may feel under-appreciated and taken for granted.

The Changing Role Of Men

But, with more unemployed men staying at home, whilst their partners work, men's views about domestic duties seem to be changing. The American Sociological Association has found that many out-of-work men are recognising the huge efforts involved in managing a family - and they are embracing their newly adopted 'head of household' role. They feel proud to be making a vital contribution, albeit not their usual one. Instead of feeling demeaned by doing what they previously saw as 'women's work', they are using it to help forge a positive new identity.

The Silver Lining

The result is more empathy in the relationship and fewer painful arguments. Put simply, having a husband who is happy to help scrubbing the toilet or washing the floor makes for a happier relationship. Get your man to grab those rubber gloves right now - because studies also show that a man who does more washing up enjoys more sex!