WOW! New Trailer For Princess Diana Film Shows Her With Her Last Love

WOW! New Trailer For Princess Diana Film Shows Her With Her Last Love

We couldn't be more excited about the release of Oliver Hirschbiegel's Diana biopic - especially now that a new trailer has revealed more about the relationship she had with heart surgeon Dr. Hasnat Khan. That's right, it was the heart surgeon before Dodi al-Fayed AND p.s it looks like the former has a bigger role to play.

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Naveen Andrews plays alongside leading lady Naomi Watts in the film which looks at the last two years of Diana's life - it was through her avid charity work that she met Hasnat.

The trailer documents the early stages of the relationship with Hasnat where Diana reveals that: 'He doesn't treat me like a princess, it's almost like he doesn't know who I am". Not only was this relationship kept on the downlow but - as the trailer intimates - it was destined to fail from the start.

Roll on 20 September when the movie hits the big screen, then and only then will we get to see the full story - and see Naomi take on this huge role. Until then, take a look at the trailer below...