Young Dad Slipped Into Coma Soon After Holding Newborn Son For First And Only Time

Young Dad Slipped Into Coma Soon After Holding Newborn Son For First And Only Time
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A young dad died after living just long enough to hold his newborn son before slipping into a sudden coma.

Josh Robison, 24, fell ill just hours after holding his son Logan for the first time and then suddenly lost consciousness.

It began with a simple headache and ended with doctors desperately trying to keep him alive.

The tragedy happened two weeks after Josh, who had been married for 18 months to Erica, came down with flu-like symptoms while spending the Thanksgiving holiday with his parents in Fillmore, Utah.

According to to help Josh's widow.

She said in a statement: "This is without question the most difficult experience of my life, but it has warmed my heart to be so overwhelmed with love and support from friends and strangers alike."