
Nicci Talbot

Freelance journalist & travel blogger at Cité zine.

Nicci Talbot is a freelance journalist, content writer & travel blogger at Cité zine.

About Cité zine:

Cité zine was launched in 2017 a by British travel journalist with itchy feet and a desire for a better quality of life. The aim is to compare and contrast life in the UK with other cities around the world to find out where the best places to be a woman are regarding education, culture, health, childcare, work, and longevity. The name Cité is old French for city and ‘union of citizens, a citizenry,’ which is all the more relevant post Brexit.

“I love to travel and have Lithuanian roots on my mother’s side, which I’m starting to explore. My first trip abroad was a school exchange to France with my aunt who taught French at Hull University. I stayed with a family in Angers who had a daughter around the same age, which gave me a taste of school life and French food (my first time eating horse meat!). In my 20s I went backpacking around Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the US working in all kinds of places via WWOOF UK, which gives you free board in return for labour on the land. It’s a great way to travel on a budget and gives you an insight into the psychology of people and places: why they live where they do and how our environment inspires and motivates us. I worked in a rebirthing centre on the Gold Coast (lots of deep breathing, no gluten for 2 weeks); a biodynamic farm near Perth (didn’t work out as I wore deodorant and drank milky coffee); yoga ashram in Brisbane (accused of stealing money, left), and did some divorce decluttering at a house in Byron Bay.

Since the Brexit vote, I have been in despair at the thought of being cut off from the rest of Europe and my daughter being denied the same opportunities to travel and work abroad. I was inspired to start this blog to document my adventures and all the interesting people I’m meeting through my work as a journalist via the NUJ LFB and Black Label Properties Berlin.

In a year’s time, my daughter will be going on exchange to an international school in China to start her secondary education, so it’s a new chapter for both of us, not without wobbles, but I hope full of opportunity and new adventure. It will be interesting to compare the school systems and see what she gets out of it. She has travelled to Europe, Italy, Japan and the US as an unaccompanied minor, so I spend a fair bit of my time doing the airport run.

Where do you find that elusive mix of sunshine, affordable property, culture, lifestyle and well-paid work? Is it best to split your time with a city base and some fun in the sun? What’s the best way to learn a new language? How do you go about setting up a business abroad or working as a freelancer? This blog aims to shed light on different cities and lifestyles around the world, the issues happening there, and how to relocate successfully be it full or part-time. If you’ve ever wondered what life in another country can be like, this blog is for you. I hope you find it useful and inspiring.” – Nicci Talbot, editor.

Have a story to share or want to collaborate with me?
