Jammy Dodgers

The shortbread recipe I use is from Adam Stokes on www.greatbritishchefs.com. It makes light, buttery biscuits that are soft in the middle with a short snap. I've taken the vanilla and cinnamon from the original recipe and instead use jam to make my own dodgers.

The shortbread recipe I use is from Adam Stokes on www.greatbritishchefs.com. It makes light, buttery biscuits that are soft in the middle with a short snap. I've taken the vanilla and cinnamon from the original recipe and instead use jam to make my own dodgers.

Makes around 20 large jammy dodgers

For the biscuits:

750g plain flour

250g icing sugar

5g salt

500g butter, softened

40g of egg yolk

100g caster sugar, for dusting

For the filling:

1 jar of strawberry jam - seedless, just to keep them looking more authentic

4 tbsp icing sugar

Preheat the oven to 250˚C. Add the flour, icing sugar, butter, salt and egg to a food processor and blitz until the ingredients form a ball (if you don't have a food processor start by sieving the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl ,then add the softened butter and yolk and mix with your hands to make a dough).

Take half the dough, roll out onto a well floured surface to the thickness of a pound coin. Take a circular biscuit cutter, whatever size you like, and make as many circles as you can. Place your biscuits on a baking tray lined with baking parchment. Bake in the oven for around 10 minutes, rotating the tray half way through to ensure an even bake, until they are slightly golden around the edges. Keep on a cooling rack

Now with the other half of dough, cut out the same amount of circles as you have already cooked. Using a wine bottle cap/ water bottle lid or anything else that you can find, cut out a smaller circle of pastry from the middle of each circle, being careful not to jiggle and stretch the pastry too much or the biscuits might shrink when baking. Bake these holey dodger lids as before and leave to cool.

For the filling, pour the jam out into a mixing bowl, sieve in the icing sugar and mix well until smooth. Now assemble the dodgers by plastering less than 1 teaspoon of jam onto the circle and gluing a holey biscuit on top. Once they have all been done, sprinkle on both sides with caster sugar and serve.
