Joey Tribbiani
To be honest, I hate him anyway. I've never understood his appeal but to some people, he's the funniest character on Friends. I doubt the general public would be as loving of him if they knew him in real life. For a start, he is stupid and although it can be charming, he must be frustrating to deal with seeing as he cannot grasp simple conversations. He's sleazy, sleeping with and then ditching multiple women with no remorse and he often barges in to Monica and Chandler's apartment demanding food and freeloads off of them in general. Oh, and don't even get me started on the whole French debacle.
Eric Cartman
What is there to say? We all love watching him on South Park but let's not lose sight of the fact he's a horrible little kid. He regularly exhibits racist and anti-semitic views, he tricked Butters in to thinking the world was ending so he could go to Kyle's party in his place, he tried to exterminate the Jews, he injected Kyle with AIDs and he killed a boy's parents and then made them in to a chilli that the boy unknowingly ate. A very sick individual that I'm sure none of us would like to know.
Ted Mosby
It says a lot that the main character of a five-piece ensemble cast is the show's least popular. The whole concept of How I Met Your Mother is based around Ted telling his kids the lengthy story of how he met their mother. Unfortunately, he is sidetracked by a whole lot of neediness, pathetic pining for 'the one', despite only being in his twenties. The whole Ted and Robin relationship is the most draining and irritating one to ever take place on the small screen, and since we love Sparkles so much, we blame it on Ted. We're then left scratching our heads as to why he tells his kids about his various sexual conquests too. He just seems unbearably in need of constant emotional support.
Brian Griffin

The epitome of 'liberal douche' is Brian Griffin. I'm not against Liberalism, I'm actually a Liberal myself but the insufferable way Brian goes on about his political and moral views like he's some sort of prophet is very irritating. Quagmire sums it up best when he calls him out for pretending to be smart when really he isn't all that. Plus, if his pompous attitude isn't enough to turn you off, he's also a dog, nobody wants to be condescended to by a canine.
Piper Chapman

If you've seen Netflix's drama sensation Orange is the New Black then you'll know what an anti-hero Piper Chapman is. She is the show's protagonist and from the start, we are led to feel sorry for her but then she starts putting her foot in her mouth far too frequently and getting herself in to all sorts of problems that causes us to abandon her. And whenever she is forced to defend herself, she naively states that 'she never meant for any of this to happen', will she ever learn?
Charlie Harper

Like Joey Tribbiani, Charlie Harper is a heartless lothario who shows no remorse for the many, many, many women he has wronged - it's no wonder one of them pushed him in front of a train. And is it me or does he never actually seem to be working? I don't watch Two and a Half Men as much as the other shows referenced in this list but I'm certain I would much rather live with Ashton Kutcher.
Susan Delfino

Okay, we liked her ditzy antics in the first season of Desperate Housewives and the other housewives seem to tolerate her but I like to think I'd treat her with the same contempt that Edie Britt does. Her cutesy act would quickly wear thin as would her clumsiness and her apparent inability to keep hold of Mike, the 'love of her life'.
Barney Stinson
You'd have to include Barney for the same reason as Joey Tribbiani and Charlie Harper. He is an absolutely nightmare to women. He uses them for sex and then chucks them. Plus his compulsive lying would make him exhausting to be around. He's the sort of person you'd have out grown in high school but may keep him around because you feel sorry for him.