So, I was talking to Ash over at The Middle Finger Project recently and she reminded me of something -
Life's all about the buzz.

Photo thanks to Vinod Kumar (Picasa web albums)
Whilst we all have responsibilities and we all have to earn enough to put food on the table and pays the bills, it means very little if we don't wake up feeling alive and excited about life.
Do you ever get the feeling you might be letting life pass you by?
Do you always think, 'I'll do that when I've got more time / money'?
Yep - that was me too.
I'll let you in on a secret - to a lesser degree, it still is.
I was so hell-bent on getting X salary, being 'settled' and 'stable' that at 24 I owned a house in a little village and was nicely settled in my parents' business - a mile and a half down the road.
It was only then that I took some time to see what other people were doing and realised that people were doing way more fun stuff than me. People my age had travelled the world, met tonnes of different people, seen different cultures, worked in different jobs.
I'd been so focused on getting my head down and working hard, I'd forgotten to work out what I was working towards or why I was doing it.
That scared me a lot.
Not enough for me to do anything about it though.
I tried to do things half-heatedly. I backpacked from Durban to Cape Town in South Africa...for two weeks (it was an off-road tour) and whilst it was incredible, it certainly didn't fulfil my wanderlust.
I lived in Italy for 8 months, but only because my job gave me the opportunity to, risk free.
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Long story short, I'm now on my way to living my dreams, but it sometimes it seems to be a daily battle with myself to ensure I keep pushing myself and keep facing my fears.
The thing that I focus on? Do I want to be in this place in a year's time? Maybe one day the answer will be yes, but for the moment, it will always be,
'I love my life and where it's moving, and I don't want to stand still right now.'
Do you?
If you want to be some place different in a year's time, you need to do something about that now.
That's today, honey.
Not tomorrow or next week or after that big project you've got on...TODAY.
Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith.
Sit down, write out your dream, make a rough plan and take step 1 today.
Join me in living life without regrets.
I'd love to hear what you're planning - why not let me know by commenting below and let me help you face your fear with the 'Complete Confidence Course' - an awesome e-course designed to get you kicking fear's butt in four weeks, all for the price of a coffee!