11 Strangers Who've Made Someone's Day With Small But Mighty Acts Of Kindness

Three cheers for each and every one of them ๐Ÿ‘

When youโ€™re having a bad day, an unexpected act of kindness from a stranger can make all the difference โ€“ and be something you remember for a lifetime.

On Twitter, Rachael Berkey (who tweets as @bookoisseur), asked her followers to share the touching times theyโ€™d received unsolicited generosity from strangers, no matter how big or small. She explained that a taxi driver recently handed her a box of tissues when she was crying in the back seat.

More than 1,200 people have liked her tweet, with hundreds commenting on the thread. Turns out the world is full of great people, including:

1. The gentleman who restored one mumโ€™s faith in men.

An older gentleman behind me in checkout bought my daughter roses just because he saw her admiring them. I had JUST gotten out of a brutal divorce and had lost all faith in men. This helped my outlook more than he will ever know. She clutched the roses all the way home. I cried. pic.twitter.com/IaBYTHS4Qn

โ€” Alison Greenberg (@alisongreenberg) October 16, 2018

2. The stranger who helped a passenger through her fear of flying.

1. I was very frightened/ tearful during a bumpy flight & my seatmate gave me a DVD of the Will Smith movie Seven Pounds to help me focus on something else.

โ€” Sara (@saralynne65) October 16, 2018

2. When we landed I hadnโ€™t finished, I went to return it to him & he told me to keep it and finish then pass it on to someone else who needed it during a stressful time-so I didโ˜บ๏ธ

โ€” Sara (@saralynne65) October 16, 2018

3. The bus driver who went above and beyond her duties.

I was waiting at a bus stop after dark with a bunch of groceries. A bus driver on a different route stopping just around the corner got off her bus and walked over just to tell me I was waiting at the wrong bus stop for that time of night - I needed to cross the street ๐Ÿ™Œ

โ€” Melissa ๐Ÿ (@melis_estel) October 16, 2018

4. The festival-goers who saved a woman from disaster.

a bird shit in my hair while i was in line for beer at a music festival, and a stranger in front of me gave me her bottle of water to help my friends and i rinse it out โค๏ธ

โ€” kim windyka (@kimlw) October 16, 2018

5. The Uber driver with words of wisdom.

After leaving my ex's apartment sobbing from our worst fight, I couldn't keep it together in the Uber and my driver just handed me tissues and said "They're not worth it."

โ€” Kate Royal (@theroyalistkate) October 16, 2018

6. The stranger who knew a hug was needed.

Getting my nails done before our sons wedding, alone. I looked over at the empty chair next to me and thought, my mother should be here. She died when I was 4. I began to ugly cry. An older woman rushed over and just hugged me tight. It was like a hug from my late mother. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

โ€” Jennie Bertolasio (@JennieBert_72) October 16, 2018

7. The police officer who returned a wallet across the ocean.

I left my wallet in a MacDonalds in upstate New York when I was a teenager on a ski trip. A police officer found it and posted it all the way to England (where I live). Such a shock for it to turn up in the post weeks later. Went out of their way to return it. โค๏ธ

โ€” Caroline ๐ŸŽข (@TwistedColossus) October 16, 2018

8. The construction workers who downed tools to help someone in need.

I fainted once while crossing the street and some nearby construction workers ran over and got me out of the road and sat on the curb with me till I was okay. One bought me an orange juice and explained oj always helped when his wife was feeling lightheaded.

โ€” JorDAMNED Cornish (@notquitecorn) October 16, 2018

9. The customer who gave one very generous tip.

As a student, I worked at a coffee shop, I was flat broke, & didn't have enough for the bus ride home. I joked to a coworker that we have to step up our customer service to earn tips to get home. An hr later, a lady who overheard us, came back and handed us each a month bus pass!

โ€” Shannon Byers (@shan_byers) October 16, 2018

10. The backpackers who sacrificed a decent nightโ€™s sleep.

1/2 Years ago, I was backpacking in Italy with my bff. We got to our hostel late and upon arriving, realized we were at the wrong one. The one we needed to be at was across town. We didn't have enough money for a cab and were starting to panic when the two australian girls behind

โ€” kelsey smelsie (@sharpenyerteeth) October 17, 2018

Us told us not to worry. They snuck us in and shared a bed that night so my friend and I could sleep in the other bunk. They told us to pay it forward โค

โ€” kelsey smelsie (@sharpenyerteeth) October 17, 2018

11. The stranger who paid for lunch.

I'd met a friend for lunch. Came the time to pay, both of us had forgotten our money. I'd been looking at a man at a nearby table with hate in my heart because he looked like a horrid ex-boss of mine. Turned out when he left that he'd paid for usโ€ฆ

โ€” Sinabhfuil (@Sinabhfuil) October 17, 2018