13 Solid Pieces Of Advice For Parents Going From One Kid To Two

13 Solid Pieces Of Advice For Parents Going From One Kid To Two

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a little girl Saturday and later introduced the new princess, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, to the world. While Kate and Will's parenting experience differs a bit from the norm -- Kensington Palace announced the birth, the little girl's first swaddle will likely sell out in minutes, and a visit to great-grandma will make headlines -- at the end of the day, there are some aspects of being moms and dads that are totally universal.

We asked our HuffPost Parents community what advice they had for parents going from one kid to two, and these seasoned parents offered some great advice.

1 to 2 kids advice

2. “If the baby is fussing (not really crying, just complaining), make sure your first hears you say, ‘Just a minute baby, I'm helping (insert siblings name) right now.’ I did this several times the first few weeks, and when the tables were turned and I had to ask my firstborn to wait while I nursed, etc., it went much smoother.” -- Megan Rose Hershfield

3. “Have your older kid in some kind of preschool or daycare program at least 2 to 3 days a week for a few hours. It will give you time to catch up on sleep or just relax a bit with the new baby. I wish I had done it with my then 2.5 year old when her brother was born!” -- JoAnne Banish Graham

1 to 2 kids advice

5. “If your kids are 2 years apart or less, just cop to the fact that the next 18 months are going to be HARD -- logistically, socially, sleep-wise. Until you can get everyone upright, potty-trained, and speaking, it's a busy, trying time, even with help. But it's full of a lot of cuteness and giggles, too -- so remind yourself that it will get better. Get your breaks where and when you can, especially with your significant other. Two kids changes the game a bit, and it's where we saw a lot of our friends turn their marriages into something they couldn't come back from. You are still you, just with a lot of Sesame Street and diapers lying around.” -- Christine Reynolds Schattner

6. “When outnumbered, switch to a zone defense.” -- Lisa Chu Biakanja

1 to 2 kids advice

8. “Start ignoring your first child long before the baby comes! Have your child get used to not having your immediate attention/response -- have them wait a few minutes before you get them a snack, for instance. Then when you're less available when the baby comes, it won't be as much of a shock, and the baby won't be blamed!” -- Sandra Tuckman

9. “Find the humor in the worst moments and have LOTS of dance parties, especially if the last thing you want to do is dance. Seriously, do it. And remember that this too shall pass -- both good and bad. The joy is unparalleled and that is what you will remember.” -- Laura Stratton

1 to 2 kids advice

11. “Take time with the first child. We did dates. I would take my son for walks or out on his bike, just the two of us. We had lots of fun. Then my husband would do the same on another night. We each got our one-on-one time with both of them. Take time for yourself, too!” -- Grace Saunders

12. “It’s the hardest transition. Zero to one: everyone helps, you can figure it out. One to two: ‘holy shit, I thought I had this figured out!!’ Two to three and on: ‘whatever, get in the car. We got shit to do!’” -- Angi Cunningham

1 to 2 kids advice

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