Alison Hammond Interviewing A Tree Is Proof That She Really Can Interview Anyone And It Be Hilarious

Just another day on ITV's This Morning.

Alison Hammond has chatted to many Hollywood superstars during her time on This Morning, but she has proved she can interview literally anyone – including those who prove to be particularly wooden.

That’s because the presenter was sent to interview a tree on Wednesday’s edition of the ITV daytime show. Yes, you read that correctly – an actual tree.

Voting is currently open for the the European Tree of the Year competition, and with a Liverpudlian oak representing the UK, there was only one person who This Morning bosses could call on to go and meet it.

Alison Hammond interviewing a tree on This Morning
Alison Hammond interviewing a tree on This Morning

Alison was beside herself to have an exclusive chat with The Allerton Oak wanting to know all about its history and why it deserved to win the competition.

And just when you thought the segment could get any more bizarre, the tree was able to talk back to her through the power of the tree whisperer, Holly Worton.

Asked how it felt to be nominated for the European Tree of the Year competition, the tree responded: “It feels very exciting, it’s an honour to be recognised in this way.”

.@AlisonHammond interviews a tree. That's it. That's the tweet.

Hear more from the Allerton Oak on our app 👉

— This Morning (@thismorning) February 26, 2020

“Tree, do any of the other trees get jealous of you at all?” Alison enquired.

“No,” it responded. “Because this is a community, and the more people that come to see me will come to see the other trees as well.”

The segment left This Morning presenters Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield bemused back in the studio, as a sceptical Phil then asked the tree to reveal its exact age.

“The tree does not measure time in the same way we do, so the tree does not have an exact answer,” tree whisperer Holly responded.

Phillip said: “Of course, it makes perfect sense.”

Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield were left amused at Alison's latest antics
Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield were left amused at Alison's latest antics

The Allerton Oak joins a long line of those who’ve had the honour of being interviewed by Alison, including Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling, Michael Bublé, Bradley Cooper, The Rock and Mariah Carey.

It was recently reported that ITV bosses have handed Alison her own afternoon chat show after being so impressed with her viral interviews on This Morning.

And after watching this, we’d say there officially isn’t anything you could throw at Alison that she couldn’t make hilarious.

This Morning airs weekdays at 10am on ITV.


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