15 Nostalgic Realisations Everyone Had While Watching Big Brother Best Shows Ever

Fans rewatched the episode that saw Craig Phillips confronting Nasty Nick during the first series.

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Reality TV fans got a serious hit of nostalgia on Sunday night, as Big Brother staged a return to our screens.

Original host Davina McCall and former Bit On The Side presenter Rylan Clark-Neal teamed up for the first episode of the Best Shows Ever series.

In celebration of Big Brother’s 20th anniversary, they are introducing some of the most iconic episodes in the show’s history.

They kicked things off with the ultimate TV throwback to series one, which took place in the year 2000, and the infamous unmasking of Nasty Nick.

Darren's literally taking names 😰 #BBUK pic.twitter.com/oQC1nJUDAu

— Big Brother UK (@bbuk) June 14, 2020

The scenes led to Big Brother trending at number one on Twitter on Sunday night, as fans reminisced leading to plenty of nostalgic realisations...

1. Marcus Bentley’s pared-down narration was one of the first things people noticed

Marcus before he found "his voice" #bbuk

— deats (@deats) June 14, 2020

Marcus's voice does sound so different in the first one. I didn't think it was him. #BBUK

— Going for the 🏆 (@Lpool_5843) June 14, 2020

2. The house’s very basic level of interior design was picked apart

Still can’t get over the prison camp decor in the #BB1 house - did they have sleeping bags for duvets? No wonder it drove Nick to such dastardly ways 😂 🗡 #BBUK

— luciecave (@luciecave) June 14, 2020

The state of the bedroom! Or rather, the ‘ordinariness’ of it. Big Brother 1, in 2000. ❤️❤️❤️ #bigbrotherbestshowsever #BBUK pic.twitter.com/1GqzDgIEki

— Deirdre (@gerbilgranny) June 14, 2020

3. It drew immediate comparisons

Why does the BB1 house bedroom look like a cheap hostel ☠️ #bbuk

— Jack 💖 (@jacklikethis) June 14, 2020

4. This was our particular favourite

This house was literally a portacabin filled by IKEA #BBUK

— Craig Heathcote (@craigheathcote) June 14, 2020

5. The budget Diary Room bell was also remarkable for similar reasons

The doorbell from the pound shop is iconic. #bbuk

— Rylan Clark-Neal (@Rylan) June 14, 2020

6. It’s broad cast of everyday people was refreshing to people so used to seeing influencers and social media stars on reality shows these days

Just shows you how real it was though. Everything is so scripted and contrived now but it was raw, actual real people. I miss that so much! #BBUK #BigBrother

— ST (@StephanieTelfer) June 14, 2020

Isn't it fantastic to see 'real' people in the house #BBUK

— Yvonne Howard (@yvonnehoward37) June 14, 2020

7. An assault course for the weekly shopping task was so far removed from the tasks of latter years

God I forgot the innocence of the tasks, not an electric shock in sight #BigBrother #BBUK

— Natalie Guest (@natalieguest12) June 14, 2020

Less really is more when it comes to Big Brother, that task showed that #BBUK

— Josh (@sharonsballum) June 14, 2020

8. Tom and Craig’s love of short shorts brought back a lot of memories for people

Tom from BB1 in those red shorts was definitely a formative experience for teenage me. #BBUK

— Nick Levine (@mrnicklevine) June 14, 2020

I'm getting flash backs to my young teenage self having 'funny feelings' for Tom in his red shorts and Craig in his white ones. 😶#BBUK

— Ed (@eddo_) June 14, 2020

Tom from series 1 #BBUK was so handsome I remember those red shorts well.. pic.twitter.com/g4aIA2mKP2

— Ben (@Medhurst87) June 14, 2020

9. The housemates’ approach to confrontation was so measured and considered, and unlike anything we ever saw in subsequent series

#BBUK Series 1 so pure they waited until the morning to have a group discussion around the table which went on for some time and they all remained incredibly calm 😂

— Kate Lawler (@katelawler) June 14, 2020

Wow watching the nasty nick BB drama:
- calm discussion
- no interruptions
- giving the accused plenty of chance to speak
- reaching a sensible ultimatum
How things have changed on tv 😂 #BBUK

— Saz (@sarahlyoungy) June 14, 2020

It’s actually so nice and humbling watching people sit down and have a discussion rather than the drama of them screaming at each other and having security being called in #bbuk

— H (@stuchhh) June 14, 2020

So many great TV moments you can think of are people sitting around a table being questioned. Most of them are from dramas. This came along and was completely unscripted. The legacy of it explains itself. #BBUK

— Nick Walker (@nickw84) June 14, 2020

10. Hearing Craig tell Nick he’d heard he was “plotting a very dirty plan” was goosebump inducing

“A very dirty plan” #BBUK pic.twitter.com/j1XKTZB0lu

— sᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴛᴠ (@superTV247) June 14, 2020

"You're plotting a very dirty plan". A more iconic line has never been spoken #BBUK

— Czake Republic (@JakeAlex92) June 14, 2020

11. People couldn’t get over how they were allowed to have books in there

I loved how the used to let them read books that first year of #BigBrother I get why they wouldn’t allow them in later series but it must have really helped housemates with boredom. #BBUK

— Mark (@mkenn80) June 14, 2020

12. Hearing Davina introduce the house action for the first time in 10 years brought on waves of nostalgia

I never thought I’d hear Davina say “let’s get back to the house action” in 2020. Oh the nostalgia... #BBUK

— Nathan Lomax-Fay (@NathanLomaxFay) June 14, 2020

Just hearing @ThisisDavina say anything to do with Big Brother gives me the chills! #BBUK

— ForeverBBUKLive (@foreverbbuklive) June 14, 2020

It feels so good @ThisisDavina talking and been apart of #BBUK again it’s like she’s never been away from the show as much as I love Emma I’d love to see Davina host it of it came back

— tishaa;mariieey (@MisTintehotbabe) June 14, 2020

13. While seeing her and Rylan team up with Dermot and Emma made many BB fans’ dreams come true

I have goosebumps !!! And it is so amazing seeing Davina , Derm, Rylan and Emma together ... #BBBestShowsEver #BBUK

— Chris ⚡️ (@Crawford2k9) June 14, 2020

A huge Big Brother moment there - the first ever joint appearance from the show's two main double acts: Davina and Dermot, Emma and Rylan! #BBUK #CBB #SaveBBUK pic.twitter.com/eh2SWvOULm

— bbspy (@bbspy) June 14, 2020

Seeing Davina, Rylan, Dermot and Emma on screen at the same time. A moment. #bbuk

— Nicole! 2.0 (@mademetoxic) June 14, 2020

14. There were many calls for Big Brother to return with a full back-to-basics series

#BigBrother was incredible in the first years of the show.

During series towards the end, #BBUK had lost its way. It carried out predictable tasks/evictions/twists simply because they’d done it all.

As much as I’d loved to see it return, if it did, it must go back to basics!

— Grant Rivers 🏳️🌈 (@SnowAndBeach) June 14, 2020

I don't even think it's possible. But if Channel 4 were to bring #BBUK back it needs to be stripped right back to basics. No wannabees. Just pure and simple. Flip reality TV on its head again.

— Stephen (@Welsh_Otaku) June 14, 2020

American here, please please please bring back CBBUK🙏🏾 I miss it and Emma‘s beautiful face.

— kristalisbougie (@kristal100) June 14, 2020

Well this is fantastic isn’t it? @bbuk time to bring it back and go back to basics! @ThisisDavina @marcusBBbentley @Rylan #BBUK

— Big Brother UK best bits (@BrotherBits) June 14, 2020

15. Meanwhile, there’s been huge discussion about what moments the show should feature next

if they’re doing an episode per series then it HAS to be the cardboard box task for BB6 #BBUK

— Steve (@stipkins) June 14, 2020

@BexxJohnson will anything beat A David’s dead ???!!! The best BBUK moment ever !!

— Abbie Alldread (@AbbieAlldread) June 14, 2020

hope they show us hours of contestants sitting outside with birding replacing the audio. my soundtrack of my youth. #BBUK

— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) June 14, 2020

Big Brother: Best Shows Ever continues on Monday at 9pm on E4.


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