'Big Brother' 2016: Jackson Blyton Has A Surprise In Store For Georgina Cantwell

There's a reason she hasn't seen any of his photos yet.

Jackson Blyton has a surprising revelation for Georgina Cantwell in Tuesday’s (21 June) ‘Big Brother’, about his life in the outside world.

The two have been growing close in the two weeks since this year's 'BB' launch, and in the most recent edition of the show, they shared their first kiss.

However, in true gentlemanly fashion, he was quick to downplay that anything went on between them, insisting: “Nothing happened, we were good, kind of… I think…”

Jackson Blyton, after sharing a bed with Georgina
Jackson Blyton, after sharing a bed with Georgina
Channe 5

Slightly less gentlemanly, upon learning Georgina has a pierced nipple, he exclaims: “It gets better and better! An arse of a god and a nipple piercing!”

Georgina’s accessorised nipples aren’t the only revelation in Tuesday’s ‘BB’, with Jackson also delivering her with some news.

Speaking to Big Brother in the Diary Room, she laments that he won’t show her any of the photos he brought into the house with him, pondering: “Everyone seems to think we’ve kissed, but we actually haven’t. He won’t show me his pictures that he brought in. 300 women… that’s gross. There’s a clash of cultures, definitely.”

Later, he reveals to Georgina: “It’s a lot more than just a photo. I’ll move beds if you want me to move beds. That’s my son.”

Georgina in the 'BB' bedroom
Georgina in the 'BB' bedroom
Channel 5

When Georgina reacts in shock, he heads to the bathroom for some alone time… but will the two be spending the second night together in a row?

See for yourself in Tuesday’s ‘BB’, kicking off at 9pm on Channel 5.

Find out a bit more about this year’s housemates in the gallery below (tap the image to launch the slideshow)...

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