‘Big Brother’ housemate Sam Giffen found that his security in the house came at a price in Wednesday’s (20 July) show, when he was forced to deliver one killer nomination.
Viewers already knew, following the last round of nominations for the current series, that the group had chosen Jackson Blyton, Jason Burrill, Jayne Connery and Laura Carter to face the public vote.
However, after triumphing in a task, Sam was given the unenviable task of choosing someone to “save and replace”, meaning one of the other housemates would have to be put up for eviction instead.

Interestingly Sam (who nominated Laura and Jason earlier this week) chose to save Jayne, claiming she was more at risk of eviction than Jackson, and instead put Andy West up for the chop, a decision which didn’t go down too well with all of the housemates.
Of the four who had been put up for eviction, Jayne had received the fewest votes, with only two of her housemates putting her up for eviction.

Having already declared the twist to be the “worst thing” he’s experienced since entering the house last month, an upset Sam was then seen taking to his bed.

His decision means that one of either Andy, Jackson, Jason or Laura will fall at the final hurdle in the last eviction of the series on Friday (22 July), ahead of the live final next week, which will reveal who has succeeded Chloe Wilburn as the reigning ‘BB’ champ.
See the aftermath of Sam’s decision when ‘BB’ returns on Thursday (21 July) at 10pm on Channel 5.