Tate Modern Boy Gravely Injured In Attack Is Finally Starting To Speak Again

The six-year-old suffered a bleed on the brain and fractures to his spine, legs and arms.
The attack took place in August at the Tate Modern art gallery
The attack took place in August at the Tate Modern art gallery
Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

The six-year-old boy seriously injured after being thrown from the viewing platform of the Tate Modern art gallery in London has started to speak again in time for Christmas, his family has revealed.

In a post on a GoFundMe page, which has raised more than €169,000 (£143,500) for the boy’s treatment and rehabilitation, his relatives said he was also regaining sensation in his limbs.

The French child, who cannot be named due to his age, was attacked by autistic teenager Jonty Bravery, 18, at the tourist attraction on August 4.

Bravery, of west London, was arrested moments after the incident on the 10th storey balcony of the tourist attraction. The child suffered a bleed on the brain and fractures to his spine, legs and arms.

Bravery admitted a charge of attempted murder earlier in December at the Old Bailey in London and will be sentenced next February.

Jonty Bravery will be sentenced in February
Jonty Bravery will be sentenced in February

The victim continues to recover slowly in his native France after months in intensive care. In the GoFundMe post, the family said: “We have very good news to share with you. Our little knight begins to speak!

“He pronounces one syllable after another, not all of them, and most of the time we have to guess what he means but it’s better and better. It’s a wonderful progress!”

The family added the return of movement in his limbs has been a very painful experience for the child.

They said: “He also begins to move his four limbs now. It is very difficult to see it concerning his left arm and hand, but it’s really slowly beginning to move.

“However, as he begins to move, sensations come back and he feels more pain, above all during the night, which is very exhausting for everybody, but he is very courageous and we stay strong for him.”

In the message to generous supporters, the family thanked everyone who has contributed to the fund and said it gave the boy the best chance at recovery.

The statement added: “Your help makes it possible to offer our son the best rehabilitation, and for us to take care of our little boy everyday, to stay with him as long as he needs with the best doctors and therapists.

“Thank you also to keep us strong with all your kind messages. You can’t imagine how much it is helpful.”


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