How Long You Can Freeze Everything, In One Chart

This Is How Long You Can Freeze Everything, In One Chart

As part of HuffPost's “Reclaim” project, HuffPost Taste will focus on simple ways you can reduce food waste in your own home.

Who knew you could freeze non-citrus fruits for a year?

Other foods can last for months longer than you might think, proving yet again that our freezers have more leftover-storing power than we realized. You can also freeze vegetables, juice, steak, margarine, spices, lobster, whole chickens and turkeys, muffins, pork roast and beef roast for an entire 12 months, in many cases.

Bookmark this game-changing chart from for a guide to how long freezer foods will keep.

You can also find more infographics at Visualistan

Take Action Now
Join thousands of Americans calling on Congress to pass Rep. Pingree's Food Recovery Act.
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