Children In Need: Terry Wogan Honoured During First TV Appeal Since His Death

'Sir Terry was everything that embodied Children in Need and is someone we will all miss very, very much.'

Children In Need paid a heart-felt tribute to the late Sir Terry Wogan, as it held its first TV fundraiser since his death.

The appeal’s long-standing host died in January, following a private battle with cancer.

As presenters Tess Daly and Greg James welcomed viewers to this year’s programme on Friday (18 November) night, they honoured the veteran broadcaster’s legacy.

Greg James and Tess Daly were two of this year's presenters
Greg James and Tess Daly were two of this year's presenters

“This is our first year without our dear friend and charismatic leader Sir Terry,” Tess said. “Sir Terry was everything that embodied Children in Need and is someone we will all miss very, very much. We really will.”

“It’s up to all of us as a team to continue his legacy tonight,” Greg added. “One of the most powerful things I’ve ever heard anyone say is when he signed off his last-ever Radio 2 Breakfast show, he said, ‘To everyone listening, thank you for being my friend’.

“That sums up the man perfectly. He was a friend to millions on TV and radio, and we should return the favour and thank him. The best way to do that is to give everything tonight.”

Sir Terry Wogan was the face of Children In Need for 35 years
Sir Terry Wogan was the face of Children In Need for 35 years
David Jensen/PA Wire

A VT of his 35 years of work for Children In Need was also aired, which you can watch in the video above.

Later in the show, Graham Norton introduced Sir Terry’s son, who presented the inaugral Sir Terry Wogan Fundraiser of The Year Award.

Remembering his father, Mark Wogan said: “[Children in Need] was his favourite night of the year - mainly because the money raised throughout the year made a difference to people who needed it. That’s why he loved it.

“We just want to say thank you for all the letters and the cards. And thank you to the BBC for the tributes. We’re hugely grateful as a family.”

It was the frst appeal since Sir Terry's death
It was the frst appeal since Sir Terry's death

This year’s appeal broke its previous record, after raising over £47million during the telethon - £10m up on last year’s total.

You can still donate to Children In Need on the website, and the whole evening’s entertainment is available to watch on the BBC iPlayer.



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