Trump’s ‘No Christmas’ Scaremongering About Biden Presidency Spectacularly Backfires

"You’re talking about everything that is ALREADY our reality," one person responded to the president's coronavirus pandemic falsehoods.

People on Twitter pointed out a major flaw with President Donald Trump’s scaremongering false claim about how Democratic nominee Joe Biden would respond to the coronavirus pandemic if he wins the 2020 election.

Trump warned supporters at a rally in Goodyear, Arizona, on Wednesday that a vote for Biden would mean “no kids in school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, and no Fourth of July together.”

“Other than that you’ll have a wonderful life,” added the president.

Check out the video here:

If you vote for Biden, your kids will not be in school, there will be no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, and no Fourth of July!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 28, 2020

Critics noted they’re already experiencing those hardships as a result of Trump’s catastrophic mishandling of the public health crisis, now surging into a third wave across the country.

The idea that Biden will impose long-lasting lockdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19 has become a popular line of attack for Trump and his allies ― even though the claims are false.

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham this week bombastically claimed “Santa and his reindeer are not coming to your rooftop under Biden next year.”

Biden has simply said he will be guided by science in determining the best response to the pandemic. That’s unlike Trump, who has repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus and ignored the advice of public health experts. Even after Trump was hospitalized for COVID-19, he continues holding crowded rallies, where his fans fail to socially distance or wear masks.

You’re talking about everything that is ALREADY our reality. We can’t do any of those things NOW because of YOU and your colossal incompetence. We’re voting for #Biden so we can get our lives back after 9 months of your FAILURE...

— Andy Ostroy (@AndyOstroy) October 28, 2020

and if you vote Trump you won't have a family. they got infected and passed away.

— Joe Lockhart (@joelockhart) October 28, 2020

YEAH! They will live instead!

You are unbelievable, dude. Just unbelievable.

— scientific realm 🧬 (@scientificrealm) October 28, 2020

My kids are not in school. They can't go trick or treating. We can't visit my father for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Remind me, who's president right now?

— Mónica Rhor (@monicarhor) October 29, 2020

Our kids may actually be in school without masks if we #VoteBiden . Parents and grandparents may live if we #votebiden

229,000 dead from Coronavirus and you have no national strategy but to quit.

— Jenifer (@jenifer__5) October 28, 2020

Kids are not in school.

Graduations have been canceled.

Weddings have been rescheduled.

Families can’t get together over the holidays.

That’s happening because Trump and Republicans are in power.

— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) October 28, 2020

If you vote for Trump, your grandma will be in the ground, so she won't see your kids' graduations, weddings, thanksgivings, Christmases or 4ths of July!

— Femi (@Femi_Sorry) October 28, 2020

And if you vote Trump, your relatives die, the economy crashes and Trump avoids doing time in The Hague.

— Brian J. Karem (@BrianKarem) October 28, 2020

No that’s if we elected you. You’re the current president. That stuff happened this year.

— Willow 🍞+🎪 (@RockShrimp) October 29, 2020

My kids aren't in school. I haven't been able to go to weddings. Your government said don't do Thanksgiving. I didn't go to Fourth of July this year.

You're President.

— Zimmy (@zimmy1998) October 28, 2020

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