Trump Brutally Mocked For Tweet Appealing To 'Suburban Housewives'

One Twitter user joked that the anachronistic tweet would help the president "win the 1956 presidential election."

President Donald Trump’s decision to reach out to a particular demographic may have backfired if reactions to his tweet are any indication.

On Thursday, the president retweeted a New York Post editorial criticizing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s plan to build more high-density affordable housing in suburban areas.

The president’s retweet came with a comment suggesting that the “Suburban Housewives of America” read the article to learn how the former vice president planned to destroy American neighborhoods.

The Suburban Housewives of America must read this article. Biden will destroy your neighborhood and your American Dream. I will preserve it, and make it even better!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2020

But the president’s attempt at appealing to suburban women didn’t work out as he might have expected, possibly because many people found the reference to “housewives” to be anachronistic at best.

Oh damn. Trump is going to win the 1956 presidential election.

— Thor Benson (@thor_benson) July 23, 2020

What we all are thinking when we hear “Suburban Housewives of America”

— Evan Siegfried (@evansiegfried) July 23, 2020

“Suburban women” probably would have worked a bit better

— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 23, 2020

Sir, "Suburban HOUSEWIVES?" Do you mean mothers? Lawyers? Doctors? Architects? Scientists? Teachers? Policewomen? Their "American Dream," sir, is to get rid of you.

— E. Jean Carroll (@ejeancarroll) July 23, 2020

A couple of people noted the subtext to Trump’s appeal to “suburban housewives.”

The invocation of "suburban housewives" gets at a really good point @alexburnsNYT made the other day about how Trump still seems to view suburbs as being primarily occupied by white people who were recently removed from the "white flight" of the 1950s/60s

— Grace Panetta (@grace_panetta) July 23, 2020

Come for the condescending command to "Suburban Housewives of America," stay for the complaints in this @nypost piece about how awful it was that an Obama-era anti discrimination rule made it so "towns had to make it possible for low-income minorities to choose suburban living."

— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) July 23, 2020

And some people were skeptical that Trump’s tweet would do what he intended.

What percentage of these suburban housewives do you suppose like hearing themselves described as "housewives?"

— Ted Mann (@TMannWSJ) July 23, 2020

As we learned in our first Swing State Story, the suburban housewives of Virginia were part of turning that purple state a little bluer

— Emily Tamkin (@emilyctamkin) July 23, 2020

Many suburban moms were quick to clap back at the president.

I'm a mom of 3 children.
I live in the suburbs.
I work full time.
I bust my ass for my kids.
If you call me a "suburban housewife” I will knee you in the fucking groin.

Raise your hand if you are a woman living in the suburbs and you are voting for @JoeBiden.

— Liddle’ Savage (@littledeekay) July 23, 2020

I am the President of the Suburban Housewives of America and our message to you is this:

"Pack your bags, you lying sack of fecal matter. You're fired."


— Red (@Redpainter1) July 23, 2020

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