You’ve fed them, changed them, cuddled them, put them down for a nap. But they’re still grizzling. We’re not talking about the distressed cries of a baby in physical pain or the relentless bawling of colic – just enough low-level noise to make it clear they’re feeling cranky and need some attention.
With no language available to them, you may never discover the root of your little one’s fussing but there are a number of ways you can soothe or simply distract them. Next time you have a grouchy baby on your hands, work your way through these tried-and-tested tricks.
Rock out
Camille Tokerud via Getty Images
Make a baby burrito
naumoid via Getty Images
Put the Hoover on
Layland Masuda via Getty Images
Have a jam
Tom Merton via Getty Images
Get on the move
diego_cervo via Getty Images
Give them some skin
Dmitry Naumov via Getty Images