Big Yikes – 15 Signs Your Teen Thinks You’re An Embarrassing Parent

Basically everything.
Are you an embarrassing parent?
Tabitha Turner on Unsplash
Are you an embarrassing parent?

If you’ve ever replicated a viral dance routine from TikTok, you’re probably an embarrassing parent. (Sorry.)

According to a poll of teens still living at home, most (89%) of them are embarrassed by their mum and dad. Although to be perfectly honest, we’re surprised it’s not more.

The survey, in conjunction with Netflix movie Back in Action, revealed a definitive list of signs you’re an uncool parent.

Prepare to feel personally attacked...

Signs you’re an uncool parent

  • You attempt to do viral dance routines from TikTok (48% said this is cringe)
  • You use youth slang (44%)
  • You try and impress your child’s pals (40%)
  • You kiss your children in front of their friends (34%)
  • You have a ‘Karen’ haircut (30%)
  • You add your children’s friends on social media (30%)
  • You kiss your partner in public (25%)
  • You wear skinny jeans (22%)
  • You come along to the pub when your teens are out with friends (21%)
  • You borrow your teens clothes (21%)
  • You sing along to your favourite songs at the top of your voice (17%)
  • You post selfies on social media (16%)
  • You listen to the same music as your children (15%)
  • You go along to gigs with your children (14%)
  • You play loud music when driving (12%)


Another survey of parents by Netflix found almost half (49%) try to laugh off being thought of as uncool, while one in 10 (9%) pretend it doesn’t matter to them, even though it does.

The survey also found two-thirds (64% of) parents have told their children a white lie to make themselves cooler, or to encourage them to behave.

In what will probably make teens everywhere shudder, and fellow parents sigh, more than half (56%) of parents surveyed said they wish they had a closer relationship with their teens.

But despite being cringeworthy, 91% of teens say they wouldn’t change a thing about their parents. So keep up the good work, I guess?
