Fox News' And Katie Hopkins' Comments On London Attack Spark Incredible Response From Londoners

'I'm not you gobshite.'

In the wake of the tragic terror attack at Westminster on Wednesday, Fox News and Katie Hopkins took it upon themselves to speak for all Londoners.

Appearing on the news network, the controversial commentator and professional provocateur claimed the capital was paralysed with fear.

.@KTHopkins on UK terror: "People are cowed. People are afraid. And people are not united." #Tucker

— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 23, 2017

Another pundit, Walid Phares, also tweeted about appearing on Fox News to discuss how London had been “shut down”.

Will be on Tucker on Fox News at 9 AM EST to discuss the terror act in London. "One man can shut down a city.."

— Walid Phares (@WalidPhares) March 22, 2017

Phares is an American, in America.

Londoners responded to the news that they were cowering in terror in a city in total lockdown with blunt bemusement.

I'm not, you gobshite

— Al Murray the318 (@almurray) March 23, 2017

@FoxNews hi I am British and in London and if you pay me I will also tell you whatever you want to hear, pls dm

— joe (@mutablejoe) March 23, 2017

This is total nonsense @FoxNews. #Londoners are extremely tough. This woman does not represent #London or the British people. Please stop.

— Liz Jarvis (@LizJarvisUK) March 23, 2017

@almurray An utterly bizarre comment from Hopkins. If there's one thing you can say about Londoners, it's that they'll carry on as normal.

— Paul W. (@limeandonion) March 23, 2017

@FoxNews @KTHopkins This gargoyle is talking nonsense. I am in London. No one is cowed, we are not afraid and we stand together.

— Jack Evans (@Jack4Evanss) March 23, 2017

Contrary to Fox News reports, London was largely functioning as normal by first thing on Thursday morning.

Westminster Bridge where part of the attack took place remained closed as did Westminster tube station as police continued their investigation.

Streets still closed close to #westminster bridge but parliament will meet as planned

— Nina dos Santos (@NdosSantosCNN) March 23, 2017

Westminster station is closed for entry/exit due to a police investigation. Customers can interchange between lines.

— TfL Travel Alerts (@TfLTravelAlerts) March 23, 2017

UPDATE: Westminster Bridge has now reopened.

But apart from that is was largely business as usual.

@WalidPhares shut down = tube still running, most roads still open, able to walk around like normal no lockdown outside immediate area...

— Jane McCallion (@janemccallion) March 23, 2017

@FoxNews Hello Fox. fyi we are not afraid, nor disunited. @KTHopkins speaks for herself + tiny minority. Suits your ugly narrative though.

— Chris T-T (@christt) March 23, 2017

Hopkins also wrote a column on the attack in which she described London as an”entire city of monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb”.

London is a city of monkeys. See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb. We do not stand united

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) March 23, 2017

Having Katie Hopkins on Fox News to talk about British sentiment would be like having Dr Harold Shipman on to discuss best medical practice.

— Rupert Myers (@RupertMyers) March 23, 2017

The office is really uncomfortable atm; most staff, including Katie Hopkins, are writing Westminster attack pieces with visible erections.

— RogueDailyMail (@RogueDailyMail) March 22, 2017

We stand together as a nation and refuse to be terrorised by Katie Hopkins' columns and TV appearances.

— Matt Owen (@MJowen174) March 23, 2017

I'm on a train heading towards Westminster. No one is cowed, afraid or divided. Please stop your stupid attention seeking comments.

— James Cleverly MP (@JamesCleverly) March 23, 2017

Seven people have been arrested and six addresses raided in London, Birmingham and elsewhere in connection with the Westminster terror attack, Mark Rowley, the Met’s senior anti-terror officer, has said.

.@WalidPhares Get real. I work less than 10 mins walk from scene, everything normal this morning. Even yesterday, no disruption

— Willard Foxton (@WillardFoxton) March 23, 2017

He also confirmed the death toll currently stand as four, including the attacker, after police last night said five had died.

I guess lying about London is cheaper than lying about Jack Monroe.

— Dorian Lynskey (@Dorianlynskey) March 23, 2017

He said: “Greater clarity is now developing regarding the casualty figures as we’ve now collated the information from the public and five hospitals.

“The latest figure that I have are there are only four dead and 29 people were treated in hospital.

Always inspiring to see Londoners joining together in a crisis, united by their unshakable contempt for Katie Hopkins.

— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) March 23, 2017

@WalidPhares with respect that's completely wrong-small area of our city is closed off, millions, including politicians going about our work

— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) March 23, 2017

“We’re also collating the numbers of walking wounded. Sadly seven of those in hospital are still in critical condition.”

It was originally thought three people had been killed on Westminster Bridge but the number is now thought to be two.

Weird how Katie Hopkins, Farage and Tommy Robinson weren't outraged when Jo Cox was murdered by a white, English terrorist.

— Joe Baiamonte (@JoeBaia) March 23, 2017

Those who died were a woman, Aysha Frade, a man in his 50s, PC Keith Palmer and the attacker.

@WalidPhares No, one man can’t. London carried on. How dare you suggest otherwise.

— Emma Kennedy (@EmmaKennedy) March 23, 2017

LOVE this.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) March 23, 2017

"Katie Hopkins is just saying what we're all thinking"

Naw mate, she's saying what you're thinking cause you're a cunt as well.

— joe heenan (@joeheenan) March 23, 2017

FOX NEWS: London today is a city living in the shadow of terror, paralyzed by fear...
LONDONERS: Pret baguette or Tesco sandwich for lunch?

— tom jamieson (@jamiesont) March 23, 2017

As @FoxNews and @KTHopkins tell the world that terror is cowing London, I remember pro-appeasement US Ambassador, Joseph Kennedy, in 1940.

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 23, 2017

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