Fox News' Tucker Carlson Stuns Himself By Agreeing With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

"Hate to admit it but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a very good point," the Fox News host said of her criticism of Amazon.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson admitted Tuesday, in a rare moment of nonpartisanism, that he actually agreed on something with Democratic Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Carlson said it was “hard to argue with” the progressive newcomer’s criticism of e-commerce giant Amazon, which has received $2 billion in tax incentives in exchange for locating its two new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, and Arlington, Virginia.

Ocasio-Cortez, who won her race for a U.S. House seat in New York’s 14th District at last week’s midterm elections, railed against Amazon’s announcement in a series of tweets:

We’ve been getting calls and outreach from Queens residents all day about this.

The community’s response? Outrage.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) November 13, 2018

Amazon is a billion-dollar company. The idea that it will receive hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks at a time when our subway is crumbling and our communities need MORE investment, not less, is extremely concerning to residents here.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) November 13, 2018

When we talk about bringing jobs to the community, we need to dig deep:
- Has the company promised to hire in the existing community?
- What’s the quality of jobs + how many are promised? Are these jobs low-wage or high wage? Are there benefits? Can people collectively bargain?

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) November 13, 2018

Displacement is not community development. Investing in luxury condos is not the same thing as investing in people and families.

Shuffling working class people out of a community does not improve their quality of life.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) November 13, 2018

We need to focus on good healthcare, living wages, affordable rent. Corporations that offer none of those things should be met w/ skepticism.

It’s possible to establish economic partnerships w/ real opportunities for working families, instead of a race-to-the-bottom competition.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) November 13, 2018

Lastly, this isn’t just about one company or one headquarters. It’s about cost of living, corps paying their fair share, etc.

It’s not about picking a fight, either. I was elected to advocate for our community’s interests - & they‘ve requested, clearly, to voice their concerns.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) November 13, 2018

“Hate to admit it but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a very good point,” Carlson responded on his show.

“That’s the only time I’ve ever agreed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but it’s hard to argue with the internal logic of her point. The richest man in the world just got $2 billion in taxpayer subsidies? How does that work?” he added.

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